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[ third person ]


"Morning, Miki!" Hinata greeted happily as he appeared before her with a bright smile. The male closed his eyes when she reached up, ruffling his hair lightly.

"Yo." She greeted, adjusting the scarf around her neck. "Where's your other braincell?"

Hinata pointed down the hall. "He got caught by sensei to carry some papers to the faculty room. I left before he could ask me too." His laugh was amusing and contagious.

"Wow, you're so bad." Miki chuckled, turning away a bit to look down the hall.

Hinata reached up, grabbing the scarf that looked familiar. Since she loosely tied it, it immediately slipped off with the smallest tug. "Oh, sorr-"

Miki's hand covered her neck as her face flamed bright red with embarrassment. Hinata has only gotten a small peek but he knew exactly what that was.

"Miki, did you get hit in the neck?!? It's purple!" Hinata shouted, trying to get a look at her neck to ensure she was okay. The female roughly covered his mouth and dragged him into an empty classroom. "Mmhhnnghhn-"

"Shut. Up." She shouted with embarrassment, pointing at her neck that was colored dark purple. Miki uncovered his mouth and took the scarf from his hand, throwing it around her neck.

"H-How'd you get that?" Hinata asked as he pulled the scarf away from her neck, getting a closer look.

"You're too close." Miki said as she pushed his face back, tying the scarf around her neck. "It's, uh...uh, a long story..."

Hinata gasped, "Was it Tsukishima?!"

Based on her expression and lack of response, he was right.


"Who's that?" Tsukishima asked as he peered at Miki's phone, watching her text someone. The two laid beside each other on the futon in the living room with all the lights off. It took a whole lot of convincing to make Miki lay down beside him, but she eventually gave in and laid down. The only light in the room came from her phone since it was almost 4am.

"Shinsato-senpai from class 2-4. He's helping me with the play for our school festival." Miki answered, scrunching you her face with embarrassment when Tsukishima's hand snaked around her waist. "We're trying to figure out what play we want to do."

The boy hummed, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you guys talking about that at 4 in the morning?"

"Cause his sleep schedule is wack as shit and he never answers his phone during the day." Miki said with a small huff as she furiously began to type out a paragraph to figure out the play for the festival. When she was done figuring things out, she turned off her phone and sighed, going limp. "I'm going to bed. I have to meet his stupid ass tomorrow in the morning so we can start working on this dumbass play."

Tsukishima sleepily rose an eyebrow at her. "You're in it?"

"Unfortunately." Miki scoffed as she laid there, pulling the blanket up to her chest. "Class Rep tingz."

"Is he in it too?" Tsukishima asked, turning to Miki who also turned to him. He could tell she was internally panicking over their proximity. It almost made him laugh.

Miki nodded, "Yup. He's gonna ruin it for us with his shitty acting." A small 'ah' left her mouth as a new thought entered her mind. "I probably will be busy after school with the play and stuff. My precious free time will be gone. Fuck."

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