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[ third person ]


"You're getting embarrassed now?" Tsukishima asked as he and Miki sat beside each other in a small booth. The female had her head rested on the table while she incoherently muttered something about being so disgraceful in the middle of the mall.

"Yeah because only now I realized how embarrassing that is!" Miki squeaked as she recalled the whole stomach thing on the bench. Oh my god, murder me.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes, fiddled with the cap of her sprite she was currently drinking. "Don't be so dramatic. No one even saw us."

* the entire volleyball team saw them *

"Still. Very embarrassing." Miki whined, whacking her forehead on the table lightly. It made the utensils on the table bounce, clattering loudly. "Anyway, where are we going? Or is this place it?"

They both glanced around at the small cafe they sat in and shrugged. "Is there anywhere the princess has in mind?"

Miki's pursed her lips to one side, tapping her chin lightly as she slumped in her seat, accidentally bumping shoulders with Tsukishima. "Uhh, no? Not really."

"Well, think of one." The male muttered, drinking her sprite since she wasn't finishing it.


"Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six-"

"Fine!" Miki took back the sprite, gulping down the rest— which wasn't much because Tsukishima drank a lot to annoy her. "I wanna go to you house."

"My house?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Why?"

Miki rummaged through he small backpack she wore on her back and whipped out her prized possession. "Movie."

Tsukishima facepalmed, genuinely disappointed with the female who held the Peter Pan DVD in her hand. "Why are you carrying that around to the mall?"

She rose a brow, "Uh, didn't we already go over this a while ago?"

He rolled his eyes, snatching the DVD out of her hand. He stood up from the booth, holding out a hand to the female who looked up at him with confused eyes. "You gonna sit there or are you actually coming with me?"

Her expression brightened as a smile graced her lips. He could tell she was genuinely happy based off the the way her eyes shimmered.

Oh god, did his heart skip a beat?

She placed her hand in his, holding it tightly as he pulled her out of the booth with ease. Once she was out, they made their way towards the exit and began their journey to the station.

In the distance, Suga was losing his shit as he watched them exit the mall.

"Oh my god, God Mother, the targets are eloping." Suga cried into the phone as Ennoshita stood near the mall entrance, watching Miki and Tsukishima walk in the direction of the station.

"Wow, they really are." Ennoshita said as he watched the two underclassmen walk closely, hand-in-hand. "I think it might've worked, Sugamama."

"Dadchi, are they still in sight?" Suga asked as Daichi coughed lightly, hiding behind a post as the two underclassmen walked past him.

"Yup. I overheard that they're going to his house."

"Can we spy on them from the windo-"

"No, Nishinoya, we cannot."

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