- thirteen -

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〚 third person 〛

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"Kimura-san? Ah, she's been hanging around with Kageyama-kun and Hinata-kun recently." A classmate of theirs explained to Tsukishima who looked perplexed. His classmate rose an eyebrow. "Are you looking for her or something? I can call her."

"Uh, nah. It's fine. I'll find her on my own." Tsukishima muttered, briefly bowing to the female who nodded. He turned away, heading down the hall to find the female he had been searching for.

It's been about three days since the classroom incident, and she's still been avoiding him. It was to the point where she'd blatantly ignore him if he spoke out to her, consequently pissing him off. It was one thing to avoid him but to flat out pretend he didn't exist when he spoke to to her was just too much.

After asking a few of his classmates, he found out she had been spending a lot of time with Kageyama and Hinata during breaks. Part of him questioned when the hell they became friends but he couldn't be bothered to ask her anyway.

"Kageyama-kun, don't forget that there's no practice after school! We have to practice outside for today." Hinata called out as he turned the corner, bashing his nose on Tsukishima's chest. "OW!"

"Oi, Shrimp, where's-" Tsukishima cut himself off when he saw the raven haired female coming down the stairs, not noticing Hinata and Tsukishima off to the side. "Never mind."

"Wha-" Hinata's sentence was cut short by Tsukishima lightly shoving him to the side. The poor boy teetered shakily before stabilizing himself. He angrily shook a fist at Tsukishima who didn't even spare him a glance. "Tsukishima, you bastard!"

As Miki descended the stairs, her eyes were glued to the floor. Due to that, she failed to notice the blond male who approached from the side.

As soon as her feet touched the ground floor, a hand latched around her wrist, yanking her in the opposite direction she was originally headed.

Fuck. Miki thought nervously as she stood under the staircase with her back against the wall. Tsukishima stood a few feet in front of her, blocking any means of escape. "Tsukishima...what's up?"

"What's up?" He repeated incredulously, narrowing his eyes at the female who avoided his eyes. "You've been blatantly ignoring me for three days and all you have to say is what's up?"

"Who the hell is ignoring you? I've just been-"

"It's not funny. I'm being serious right now." Tsukishima's voice was rather stern, making Miki gulp slightly. "You know that we have a project due in less than two months and we haven't even gotten half of the work done yet."

The female's features shifted as she tried to form a sentence. Because of his sharp, intense gaze, she couldn't seem to speak properly. "I-I know. I'm working on it on my own."

"What? Why? This is a partner thing, you know?" Tsukishima questioned with a quirked brow. His hands rested in his pockets as he shifted his stance to stand straight up.

"We haven't gotten much work done together anyway. It'll be easier this way." Miki muttered, keeping her eyes glued to her feet that would occasionally move to adjust her stance.

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