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[ third person ]


Tsukishima wasn't the type of person to care about other people's affairs since it really was none of his business. His mind was always focused on himself and volleyball, shutting out any other sources of distractions.

Though, Kimura Miki managed to ruin that entire arrangement by simply existing.

"Damn, I'm so jealous." Tanaka muttered to Nishinoya who stood beside him, watching Miki who stood by the gym door. "That royal bastard."

Nishinoya nodded, letting out a puff of air through his nose. "Who does he think he is?"

Tsukishima, who happened to be nearby and listening, scowled slightly at the reminder of Miki's presence in the room. His honey colored eyes slid over to the doors, spotting the short female who stood beside Kageyama. Annoyance filled his features as Miki took Kageyama's phone, typing in her contact details willingly.

Tanaka and Nishinoya grunted, annoyed with the closeness between Kageyama and Miki. Their friendship had gotten a whole lot better granted that they were together before school, during breaks and after school.

"What's up, Miki-chan?" Tanaka asked as he wrapped his arm around Nishinoya's shoulders, tugging the boy in the direction of Kageyama and Miki. "You guys exchanging numbers?"

"Did something happen?" Sugawara asked worriedly, appearing at their sides with concern tinted on his expression.

Miki quickly held up her hands, chuckling softly. "Ah, no, everything's fine. Etsuko's going back to Tokyo for a week and she doesn't want to leave me alone, so she asked Tobio-kun to keep my company." Her expression soured completely. "Even though I'm already old enough to take care of myself."

"You almost drowned in the river yesterday." Kageyama pointed out, making everyone's eyes shift to Miki who scowled.

"It was a given. I can't swim."

"It was two feet deep." Kageyama deadpanned, shooting her a flat look that made her puff up her cheeks that reddened with embarrassment. The boy turned to the rest of the team that had gathered around and continued, "I literally had to step in the water and pull her out-"

"Shut up already!" Miki punched him in the arm harder than necessary, huffing loudly. "Geez. No respect."

"Since Etsuko-san wants someone to keep you company, can we all come over?!" Hinata asked happily, giving Miki the familiar puppy dog eyes that she was weak to.

Looking away from his eyes, she glanced at the rest of the boys who all seemed to be on board with the idea. Her resolve quickly faded away as soon as she saw their expressions. "Uh, sure. If your parents are okay with that."

"Alright, make sure to ask your parent or guardians for permission and head straight home right after practice. We can meet up at the Sakanoshita store around 8 then we can head over to Miki-chan's house. Please be thoughtful of her and Etsuko-san's home." Suga explained softly as everyone nodded, understanding his direction very clearly. With that, they all dispersed to begin practice while Miki stood there.

"Uh, wow, okay, guess I'll head home now." Miki said with a small wave as she turned on her heels, heading for the door. The boys gave her a quick goodbye before she exited the gym and made her way home alone.

[ t i m e s k i p ]

"Bro, why did it turn into a sleep over?" Miki asked as she sat on the arrest of her couch, watching the boys set up their futons on the living room floor.

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