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[ third person ]


"Kimura-san!" A student called out as Miki went stiff.

It's been about three days since the incident with the video. Miki wasn't able to go to school due to her lack of clothes and her living situation being all wack since her guardian was gone. In those three days that she was gone, she spent some time in Tokyo with Yukio who was more than happy that she was safe and out of danger with her father in prison now. (serves him right, bitchass)

Though Yukio suggested that she live with him in Tokyo, the female was unable to leave Karasuno after she had found such good friends like Kageyama and Hinata— even Tsukishima.

About ten minutes into arriving at school, students began to swarm around her, overwhelming the female who was panicking internally. Is this their way of picking on me?

As if on cue, they all bowed to Miki while saying sorry unanimously. The raven haired female slightly jumped, bro expecting such a large chorus of apologies.

"We're sorry for pushing all the work on you all the time. We should've helped you instead of driving you to the point of frustration." The Vice President of the student council, Saibara Rinsuke, said as he bowed to her. "I'll be sure to take on all the work with the other members while you take a break."

"H-Huh? What? It's fine. I can work-"

"No. We must repent for our sins."


"No, Kimura-san,"

"Hold on-"

"We are truly terrible for-"

"Shut up!" Miki whacked him on the head, huffing with annoyance. The female inhaled, recomposing herself before speaking. "I'm not upset or anything. You guys don't have to pay me back by doing all the work for me. Just do your part and I'll do mine."

"Kimura-san!" Multiple students cried as they felt their hearts warm. Our class rep really is amazing!

Bending at the waist, Miki's hands rested the sides of her thighs as she bowed to the entire crowd. "Thank you...for your concern. I really appreciate it."

The light tint of pink of her cheeks was a sight none of these students had ever seen. It made them all jump with surprise. BSKDSKD KIMURA-SAN, AHHHHHHH!

"Nice panties." Tsukishima muttered quietly as he stood behind her, using his body to block her exposed underwear. The snicker that left his lips made Miki quickly stand upright and cover her butt with her hands.

Her face was bright red with a taut jaw. "Tsukishima, you bastard!"

"Black lace? Is that really appropriate for school?" He asked quietly, the question going unheard by nearby students who began to disperse.

"Shut up!" Miki growled embarrassedly. She smoothed our her skirt, making sure to pull it down further to avoid any more embarrassing moments like this. "Why were you even looking, you stupid pervert?"

He rose a blond brow at her, scoffing lightly. "Shouldn't you just be glad that I pointed it out before someone else saw you?" A smug smirk spread across his lips, "Unless that was your intentio-"

THWACK. "SHUT UP!" Miki shouted, walking off after whacking him in the side of the head with her bag.

He rubbed his head, rolling his eyes at Miki who sped down the halls like her ass was on fire. Turning on his heels, he made his way over to the classroom on his left.

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now