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[ third person ]


"Well, fuck." Miki muttered as she laid on a park bench with her bag resting on her chest. The sky was blue and bright, making her mind drift off to think about clouds rather than the issue at hand.

Her tears had dried and she was no longer able to cry. The sadness she felt was lingering, occasionally making an pain shoot through her chest that went all the way down to her fingertips.

She felt like shit.

The female draped an arm over her eyes, sighing softly. Was I dumb to trust him? Did he really get tired of me already?

"Miki-chan, I'm back." Akiteru's familiar voice said as he arrived beside her, frowning at the female who flinched slightly. He took a seat at the end of the bench, laying her legs in his lap to apply first aid to the scrapes. "Are you ready to talk now?"

"No." She huffed, pouting childishly as the pain from applying disinfectant sunk in her knees. She quietly hissed when Akiteru pushed a little hard on the cut.

The male smiled apologetically before continuing to clean her cuts. The older blond male had been on his way home from work when he saw Miki laying on the park bench, crying. He was kind of glad he had worked hard so he could leave early today or he would've never seen Miki on the bench.

"Come on, Miki-chan. Just tell me." His voice was soothing, pretty much coaxing Miki into speaking about the matter that happened to upset her.

The female sat up, straining a bit because her legs were still rested in Akiteru's lap. I feel like I'm a child again. •̀_•́

"My dad kicked me out of the house with nothing but what I have right now and left me at a brothel. Someone spread the video of me in the classroom and now everyone knows I'm a rotten lying brat." Miki muttered flatly, scowling slightly towards the end.

Akiteru's eyes widened like saucers. "Kicked out? A brothel? Are you okay, Miki-chan?! Did you dad do that to your cheek? Is he abusive?" He asked worriedly.

Miki shrugged, sitting properly since her legs were bandaged you already. "I don't know. I guess?"

"You guess?"

"I don't know," She grabbed her hair, tugging lightly. "He hates my guts because my mom completely abandoned him a couple years ago because he was drinking a lot. He doesn't always hit me but..."

Akiteru clenched his jaw, feeling irritation and sadness fill his body. The thought of his little brother's friend going through such a rough situation while managing to keep herself together was tearing at his heart. He wondered what his brother would say if he heard about this. Before he could get lost in his thoughts, his head tilted to the side in confusion. "Wait, someone leaked the video Kei took of you?" [a/n: bruh it sounds like it'd be a dirty video LMAO]

Miki nodded, frowning deeply.

"How? Wasn't Kei the only one..."

Miki nodded once again, "I went off at him at the school. I trust him and I feel like I know him well enough to know he wouldn't do that." She explained, burying her head in her arms. "But I couldn't stop myself from yelling at him."

The way she spoke made his eyebrows slightly raise. She still trusts him?

She indeed did still trust him. Part of her believed he would never spread the video around like that since he knew all about her reasoning for her behavior. He was an asshole but not that much. Well, that's what she believed anyway.

"I..." The female trailed off for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. This caught Akiteru's full attention. "Just...want to believe it wasn't Tsukishima. I don't...want things to end between him and I."

Akiteru felt an odd warmth spread within his chest as he watched Miki's cheeks tinge pink. She was unaware of the blush on her cheeks, which was probably a good thing since she would've gone tsundere mode or something. At times like this, he really wanted to play matchmaker but chose not to since it probably wasn't the best time.

"Well," Akiteru smiled reassuringly, taking her bag from her arm. He stood up, motioning for her to follow. "Why don't we go find out?"


Akiteru grabbed her wrist, tugging her in the direction of their house as Miki began to resist.

"WOAH, AKITERU-KUN! IM NOT READY YET! I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF WHAT I'M GONNA SAY! I ALMOST PUNCHED HIM EARLIER! CHILL! STOP! BRUH IM GOING TO DIE, WAIT-" Her shouts of protest came to an abrupt stop when the two of them were confronted by a security guard of a nearby store. Miki kind of enjoyed watching Akiteru get questioned for "harassing" a teenage girl.

"That was troublesome." Akiteru mumbled as he entered the house first, kicking off his shoes at the door. Miki followed in suit, awkwardly putting her shoes near his and following behind. The male glanced over at her, chuckling when he saw how awkward she looked even though she was here before. "My mom's not home, so you can relax a little."

"It's not that." Miki mumbled, awkwardly fiddling with her skirt. "I'm scared to see Tsukishima."

"What, why?" Akiteru asked worriedly when he noticed the expression on her face.

Miki frowned deeply. "I don't know how to face him if he actually did spread it around. And if he didn't, I still don't know what to say for accusing him like that in front of the school."

Miki threw herself on the couch, landing faced down on the cushion that smelled like febreeze. "I hate myself for being so dramatic. He even saw me cry AGGHHH!"

"Miki-chan, it'll be alright, you know? I'll be right here unless you want me to leave. If Kei did do that, he'll be dead." Akiteru smiled menacingly at the end, sending shivers down Miki's spine as she quickly averted her eyes. Uh, remind me not to upset Aki in the future. (^^;)

"It'll be fine, Miki-chan." As Akiteru reached out to pat Miki's head, the front door flew open and moments later, Tsukishima walked through the living room doorway.

"I'm, uh, home."

[ a/n : this chapter was basically a filler bc i was editing all day and couldn't find the time to write a chapter (;•͈́•͈̀) i'll update a better chapter tomorrow!!! also, this book just hit 4K and I hit 300 followers! YALL ARE AMAZING BSHSJDHSJ that new tsukki book is coming soon, maybe tomorrow Σ(°°) ]

[ a/n : this chapter was basically a filler bc i was editing all day and couldn't find the time to write a chapter (;•͈́༚•͈̀) i'll update a better chapter tomorrow!!! also, this book just hit 4K and I hit 300 followers! YALL ARE AMAZING BSHSJDHSJ♡...

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