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〚 third person 〛

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The devil really was doing his best work when he decided to pair up the people within this classroom. He especially decided to bring hell to earth when he put Miki with Tsukishima.

"The project is simple. You and a partner must make a slideshow like a full introduction, but it'll all be in english." Upon hearing that, the class began to groan loudly and complain. It was not an easy task to do a full introduction of yourself in a language you didn't naturally speak. "I'll be picking the partners."

"Sensei, why do we have to do this in partners?" A female within the class asked, voicing the question almost everyone was wondering.

"You'll be introducing your partner in English." The teacher chuckled, enjoying the look on everyone's face. "This'll be very interesting!"

A quiet chatter erupted within the classroom, all students hoping they'd end up with Miki due to her avid English skills.

Growing up in Tokyo, she was brought up by a family friend who spoke both English and Japanese. She moved to Miyagi in the beginning of her first year, quickly becoming accustomed to the new life she had. 

"Yamashita-san and Murayama-san." The teacher began to read off the pairs, advising that everyone move to a spot where they could be beside their partner.

Miki stood up, allowing a student to sit in her seat while she waited nearby for her partner's name to be called.

"Kimura-san," The teacher adjusted his circular frames that rested on the bridge, squinting slightly as he read the name. "And Tsukishima-san."

An internal image of Miki was seen banging her head on the desk repeatedly until her forehead started bleeding all over her table. Outwardly, she smiled at the teacher and turned to face Tsukishima who sat in the back of the class with a complacent grin on his lips.

Making her way over to him, she was already dreading this project ahead of her. Nothing good would come from this.

Miki sat beside Tsukishima, reluctantly scooting in his direction to talk with him easier. The male hadn't moved an inch at all, staying in his relaxed position as he watched her every move.

"Stop looking at me, Tsukishima." Miki whispered sharply, sending him a pointed look.

He raised a hand in defense, rolling his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Princess. Is a commoner like me not allowed to look at you?"

"Oh, shut up." Miki scoffed under her breath, glancing down at the packet that she held. Within the small packet that the teacher handed out earlier held all the contents and guidelines for the project.

Your presentation must include the following: your name, birth date, hobbies, family information, likes, dislikes, favorite movie, favorite song, favorite celebrity, a short daily routine, your dream job and where you think you'll be in ten years. All must be written / presented in English. Bonus points for fluency.

* Due date: in 3 months *

Miki folded the paper in half, turning to Tsukishima who scanned his packet briefly. Once he finished, he placed the packet down and glanced at Miki.

"I think we should start immediately." Miki advises, knowing things would end better if they got an early start on the project. She'd much rather work on it now than leave it till last minute.

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