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[ third person ]


"So why do you like me?" Miki asked as she laid on Tsukishima's couch with her head resting on the armrest. The male sat on the end of the couch with her feet in his lap,  eating a small bag of chocolate covered almonds. His eyes that were previously trained on the TV screen shifted over to Miki who pouted, still red in the face.

"Hmm, maybe it's your big tit-" This earned him a kick to the chest. The male coughed, holding her leg and his chest with the other hand. "I was joking, stupid."

"Hmph." Miki crossed her arms over her chest, not doing much to help herself. "Ugly pervert."

Tsukishima slowly rose a brow at Miki, allowing one side of his lips to curl upwards. Tossing aside his bag of candy, he grabbed her legs and shifted his body to face her. "This position is familiar, yeah?"

"Let go of my legs, you fricken perv!" Miki shouted embarrassedly as she tried to free her leg that sat on top of his shoulder. She reached forward to hit him but to no avail when he pulled back. "Tsukishima!"

"What was that you called me? An ugly pervert?" He reiterated, grabbing her wrist with his free hand and yanking her forward. Their faces were dangerously close, her body in a somewhat awkward position.

"Yeah, you stupid pervert-" Miki threw herself backwards, missing the couch completely. She fell backwards off the couch, dragging Tsukishima down with her, landing in a heap on the floor with their bodies sprawled out weirdly.

The two didn't waste any time getting up to continue their small bickering which led to a small fight on the floor.

"You really think you can overpower me with those tiny arms?" Tsukishima asked as he pinned Miki to the floor, snickering when she wriggled underneath him. "You're like a T-Rex with those baby arms."

Turning her head to the side, she bit his wrist hard enough to make him let go of her arm.

"Ow, what the fu-"

Grabbing his wrist and pushing his chest with her other hand, she rolled them over so she was on top. The female scowled lightly when she came face to face with a smirk.

"What now, genius?" Tsukishima asked as he laid there, not moving all too much.

Miki paused for a moment, "Let me think of what my next move should be."

Before she could even finish her sentence completely, Tsukishima grabbed her upper arms and flipped her over his head. She landed flat on her back on the thick futon Hitomi laid out earlier for them, laughing lightly from the sudden movement.

"What the fuck was that? I was thinking-" Miki opened her eyes, coming face to face with Tsukishima who hovered over her. His face was upside down, making Miki giggle lightly at how he looked.

"Stop thinking." Tsukishima said as he leaned down, kissing her lips gently. His hand gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face as she melted into the kiss. When he pulled away, a laugh escaped his mouth when he saw her scrunched up expression.

"Tsukishima, I think you're sad." Miki said as she tapped her chin, closing her eyes to think about it. "You've lacked love for so long that you can't help but get all touchy now, yeah?"

"What?" He chuckled, pinching her cheek.

"No, no, hear me out," She rolled over to lay on her stomach, facing Tsukishima with a small pout. "Your bitchass hasn't had a girlfriend before so you can't stop yourself from being all weird. I'm such a genius."

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now