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〚 third person 〛

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The quiet squeal of the gym door sliding open filled Miki's ears, forcing her up from her spot. She stood tall, shifting slightly to face the door where people began to file out of.

The dirt crunched beneath her feet as she took a few steps towards the door. The light coming out of the gym illuminated her face, making herself known.

"You're still here, Miki?" The orange haired male piped up as he peeked his head out from behind Kageyama. He skipped over to her, not noticing how Kageyama followed behind in suit.

Miki nodded, pointing at Tsukishima who was walking over to her with Yamaguchi at his side. "Tsukishima and I are gonna work on our project."

"What an obedient little puppy." Tsukishima snickered, reaching out to ruffle her hair. Seeing as everyone was watching, she plastered a smile on her face as he messed up her hair.

"Were you standing out here the whole time?" A silver haired male asked, looking like an angel sent from heaven. Miki shrugged sheepishly, nodding as she giggled falsely.

"Yeah, but it's okay. I didn't know when you guys finished, so I just decided to wait it out." Miki said as she smiled. I was also listening in to make sure that piece of shit didn't say anything to anyone about me.

"Don't make her wait any longer, Tsukishima! Go!" Hinata scolded as he pushed Tsukishima in the direction of the club room. Miki watched as they all made their way over to the club room, leaving Miki to stand there alone.

As soon as she was alone, her phone began to buzz in her pocket. Quickly, she whipped out the device and slid the answer button. Pressing the phone to her ear, she was greeted by the familiar voice.


"YUKIO! I CAN HEAR YOU!" Miki shouted back, walking away from the door she was stood in so she could talk comfortably. "Why are you screaming?"

His hearty laugh filled her eyes, making her sour expression slightly soften. "You didn't answer within the first ring, so I thought this wasn't you."

"That's fucking stupid, Yukio." Miki whispered into the phone as she facepalmed. Before he could even ask, she already answered his question. "I'm whispering because I'm still at hell. I'm supposed to go to a classmate's house for a bullshit project."

Yukio hummed, acknowledging her words. "Ahhh, I see. Who's this classmate? Is a girl or a boy?"

"Boy." Miki grumbled as her expression twisted at the thought of Tsukishima's face. "He's a fucking shithead."

"Like...good shithead or bad shithead?" Yukio asked, bringing a flat look to Miki's face.

"In what fucking world would being a shithead be a good or bad thing? Of course it's bad."

"Well, I'm fucking sorry, Miki! Your way of speaking is fucking confusing!" Yukio chuckled, speaking faster than normal. Miki slightly chuckled, shaking her head softly.

Hearing the dirt crunch and voices coming closer, she thought she'd better hang up.

"Uh, I gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Miki said as Yukio laughed softly.

"Okay, Miki! I miss you so fucking much! I love you, okay?" Yukio exclaimed into the phone, bringing a small smile to Miki's lips.

"I love you too." With that, Yukio hung up the phone and left Miki with the sound of the call ending.

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