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[ third person ]


"Geez." Tsukishima trailed off, finishing off his cup of tea that was going cold. His expression morphed into a grimace as he took in Miki and the rest of the males' physical appearance. "Did you guys roll around in the mud or something?"

Miki brushed a strand of hair out of her face, unaware of the streak of mud she left on her cheek when she did that. "Nah, Takao doesn't know what the fuck control is so he ended up suplexing me into the fucking dirt."

Tsukishima stifled a laugh, "Then why is everyone else soiled too?"

Miki shrugged proudly. "I fucking batista bombed everyone in return." She grinned, genuinely satisfied with her actions.

"What the hell-" Etsuko's screech made everyone freeze, not wanting to hear the incoming lecture that would come.

"Fuck-" Miki turned on her heels, bolting for the hallway to avoid being caught by Etsuko who was coming with the wooden spoon.

"YALL ARE MAKING MUD TRACKS IN THE HOUSE! CLEAN THIS CRAP UP AFTER A BATH!" Etsuko snapped, whacking Ryota with the spoon since he was the unfortunate one who was last. With a long sigh, she turned to Tsukishima and smiled sheepishly, "Sorry about that. You can head over to Miki's room if you'd like. Just leave your cup in the sink while I handle Yukio."

"Ah, okay." Tsukishima stood up from the floor, walking over to the kitchen to place his cup in the sink. As he returned to the living room to make his way to Miki's room, he took the liberty of helping Etsuko move the drunken male into the room where he usually slept.

"Thank you, Tsukishima. I guess I'm only good for small school nurse things." Etsuko chuckled, amused by her own inabilities to handle Yukio.

Tsukishima waved it off, making his way to Miki's room for bed. The male was somewhat surprised that Yukio and Etsuko had been so okay with the idea of them sleeping in the same room. Part of him knew Miki would either dip or kill him if he attempted to do anything.

Shutting the door behind him, he took a seat at her desk to wait for the female who was in her shower. Her desk was littered in small trinkets that she had gotten from Yukio who had a knack for those crane games. Papers were neatly stuffed away in her desk drawer, being exposed when the male curiously opened it.

"Tsukishima, don't even think about reading the papers in my desk." Miki called out from the shower, knowing what he was attempting to do.

Tsukishima held his hands up defensively even though she couldn't see him. "Sorry, your highness."

Upon hearing the shower shut off, his eyes slid over to the bathroom door that was slightly transparent. It was just easy to see the outlines of people's bodies from outside the door.

"Etsuko will fucking kill me if you sleep on the floor, so sleep on the bed tonight, I guess." Miki said as she stood in front of the door, slowly slipping on her clothes.

The blond tore his eyes away from the door, trying to erase the image of her curvaceous figure from his mind to prevent the redness on his cheeks from spreading. "U-Uh...yeah."

The door opened to reveal Miki who wore an oversized shirt with some leggings. She aggressively rubbed her head with her towel to dry her hair quickly. The female failed to notice the pink hue on Tsukishima's cheek as he avoided her eyes.

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now