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[ third person ]


"Why don't we fake date then?"


Miki and Tsukishima sat there, staring at eachother blankly before Miki turned away. She stood up, grabbing her bag and walking over to the door. "Bye."

"Wait-" Tsukishima laughed, sitting upright to show that he was being serious. "I'm not kidding."

"Neither am I. See you tomorrow." Before Miki could escape the room, Akiteru appeared before her with some pudding.

"Miki-chan, why don't you stay for dinner? Mom happens to be making your favorite." Akiteru's soft smile and extended hand that held pudding made her scrunch up her face, crying out quietly.

"So..damn..unfair." She cried as she took the pudding, sitting on the edge of Tsukishima's bed to sulk and eat.

"Now are you ready to listen?" Tsukishima asked with a small sigh, taking her spoon to steal a bit of pudding from the cup.

Miki took back the spoon, staring at it intensely as a million thoughts raced through her head. This motherfucker just used my damn spoon. This is like an indirect kiss. I don't know if that's fucking nasty or— no, no that's fucking nasty.

"This guy wouldn't bother you if you had a boyfriend, you know?" Tsukishima muttered, making space for the female who sat on the bed.

"So you think it should be you because we're always together because of this project?" Miki asked curtly, making the boy slightly pause. He thought she was about to turn down the idea now. "That's actually kinda smart. God, I hate when you're actually using your brain better than me."

"Well, I am smarter than you." He shrugged, opening his mouth while leaning forward.

"Who the fuck decided that?" Miki muttered as she absentmindedly placed the spoon in his mouth, allowing the male to get another scoop of pudding.

When both of them realized what they were subconsciously doing, they jumped away. Miki went flying off next bed, landing on the floor with the pudding held safely on her abdomen.

The blond cleared his throat, wiping his lips to avoid having any pudding on his face. "Uh, so anyway,"

"If I agree, what happens?" Miki asked abruptly, staring at the ceiling to avoid meeting his eyes and flushing bright red. God, I can't believe I'm even considering this shit.

The boy shrugged, scratching the back of his neck as he leaned against his headboard. "Then we 'date', I guess."

Miki bit her lip, thinking of all the possible issues that would come with this relationship. As much as she knew this wasn't a good idea, it was better than doing nothing and letting this random student stalker her for the rest of the year.

If any other male on this Earth would have suggested fake dating, Miki would probably drop kick them in the shin and tell them to stop messing around.

But Tsukishima...

Her eyes slid over to the male who was busy reading his book after Miki had gone unresponsive five minutes ago.

His honey gold eyes were focused on his book, slowly sliding across the beige pages full of wonderful words. The serious focus that etched all over his features was attractive, making Miki's heart slightly race. His tongue would occasionally jut out to slide across his bottom lip while he read.

His fingers would gently graze the side of the page as he read, flipping the page when he finished. Every once in a while, he'd reach up to adjust his glasses that rested comfortably on his nose.

One of his long legs were stretched along the bed while the other was propped up at an angle. The way he laid on the bed was in such a relaxed yet weird manner, seemingly comfortable in both the physical and mental aspect.

Her eyes flickered upwards to his lips. His soft pink lips were a little glossy from licking them. For some reason, she was getting nervous.

If...we fake dated, would we kiss?

She wanted to slap herself. Why the fuck am I even thinking about...that?

Her eyes raked his figure, taking in his casual outfit that she was the only one to see. Everything about him right now, was a pleasure that she was only allowed to see. She couldn't deny the fact she was somewhat special to him in one way. Not that she knew what way though.

Ack, fuck no. No. Fuck no. No fucking way.

Miki glanced up at him, pursing her lips together as she tried to force out the words. No.


Tsukishima rose an eyebrow at the female who immediately turned over, bashing her face into the floor as she let out a frustrated grunt. "Huh?"

She turned her head in his direction, frowning deeply.

"Yikes, what an ugly face."

"Nevermind." Miki stood up, making her way over to the door with a huff.

The quiet yet hurried footsteps sounded behind her. Before she could notice them, Tsukishima had already caught her by the wrist.

"No, no, say it again." Tsukishima teased with a small smirk. This smirk made Miki narrow her eyes at him.

"No." She puffed up her cheeks childishly, not wanting to say it again now that he was making fun of her. "I don't wanna."

"How old are you, five?" He pinched her cheeks with a small snicker, enjoying her reaction. "C'mon. Say it nicely or else I'll take back my offer and you'll suffer on your own."

Miki grunted, wanting to whine like a child again. The amusement etched on his features made her feel irritated. He's just messing with me.

However, when she saw the emotion in his eyes, she felt all the annoyance fade away. While his features was taunting, his eyes were serious as if he was genuinely awaiting for her answer to his proposition so he could help her in any way he could.

"..Okay." She mumbled softly, looking down at her feet. The softness of her voice caught Tsukishima off guard.

"Alright." Whipping out his phone, he grabbed Miki by the chin and pulled her towards him. A cheeky smile graced his lips as he neared her face, chuckling lightly. "Smile, sweetheart."

As his lips gently pressed against her cheek, he snapped a picture with his phone. The male pulled away, letting go of her face to look at the picture.

Tell me why his cheeks burned bright red when he saw the flushed expression on Miki's face.

[ a/n : it's late and im tired but they are so cute that i can't sleep until i finish a chapter ]

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