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[ third person ]


On a bright, beautiful Wednesday morning, the birds chirped quietly as they sat on the power lines above. People walked along the sidewalk, making their way to the high school that was beginning to fill with students. The time for class to begin was nearing, making them move a little faster than usual.

You could consider it a peaceful morning if it wasn't for Miki and Tsukishima who were arguing inside the classroom alone.

"Why did you do that, you stupid idiot?!" Miki whisper-shouted as she angrily pointed at the part of her neck that was colored dark purple. "I look like I got fucking yoinked in the neck!"

Tsukishima shrugged, "I was trying to get rid of Suzumiya-san's hickey."

"By making it even worse?" Miki asked incredulously as she neared the boy, showing him how bad the hickey was. "I was almost murdered by my father for it, you ass!"

Tsukishima held his hands up in defense, only feeling a teeny bit of remorse in his body. "You didn't push me away. Didn't you also call me by my given na-" 

Miki smacked a hand over his mouth, blushing furiously at the memory. Not only did I call out his given name, I fucking grabbed his hair like it was normal.

The door suddenly slid open to reveal a few of their classmate who had just arrived. Their eyes widened when they saw Miki and Tsukishima in the back of the classroom.

Oh fuck.

"M-Morning, guys! I was just-" Miki's cheery greeting was cut off by the students having mixed reactions.

"Damn, bruh, I should've Kimura-san and Tsukishima-san were dating!" A boy hollered as he handed over ten dollars to another male who grinned triumphantly.

A female nodded, beaming happily. "Yup! They were always flirting, so I just knew they were dating!"


"Congrats! Took you guys long enough! The sexual tension was CRAZY!" The male who sat in front of Miki said with a cheeky smile as he patted her shoulder. Right after, he held up his hand and bowed. "Ah, sorry, Tsukishima-san. Didn't mean to touch your girlfriend."

"Uh, it's fine?" Tsukishima replied, slightly confused by the suddenness of their classmates.

"We heard from Hinata-kun from Class 1 that you guys were dating but we didn't believe until we saw it!" The female exclaimed, clasping her hands together happily. "I'm so happy for you guys!"

Miki laughed awkwardly, "A-Ah, thank you, Hirano-san."

As students began to fill the room, Miki turned to Tsukishima who stood up to go to his seat. A vein nearly bursted in her forehead when he blatantly ignored her. This motherfucker-

Class began and Tsukishima was unable to focus. His eyes kept darting over at Miki who sat across the room. Her uniform was perfectly hiding the hickey on her neck that no one knew of.

Tsukishima himself didn't even understand the reason why he did that last night. After being around Miki for so long, he had sort of lost any sense of space since they both naturally gravitated towards one another when in each other's presence.

It probably wasn't a good idea to do the same thing Hiroki did to her in the same day. But for some reason, when he saw that bruise on her neck that given to her by another guy, it pissed him off. He wanted to overwrite Hiroki's mark. Not that he'd ever let Miki know that because she'd probably clown him for it.

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