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[ third person ]


"This is a little sus." Tsukishima muttered as he sat on the bullet train with a small backpack full of clothes in his lap. He glanced over to the side at Miki, sighing heavily when he saw the female sleeping weirdly against the train window. He glanced down at his lap, wondering what the hell he was doing.

During their short (not) talk at the bakery the other day, Tsukishima suggested that they should work on the project more. Since the next question was about family, the two decided to take a trip to meet Miki's family since she already met the Tsukishimas.

He was expecting to go to her house or something. Not take a fucking bullet train to Tokyo.

"What?" Miki mumbled as she stirred, sitting upright while rubbing her eyes. The bags under her eyes were prominent, making Tsukishima ponder about her doings that caused them.

Tsukishima shrugged, slumping in his seat. "Wasn't expecting to go all the way to Tokyo to meet your family."

Miki turned away from Tsukishima, nearly choking at her realization. It's almost sounds like we're a couple and he's meeting my parents for the first time. {ノ。⊍_⊍。}

"Uh, yeah. These people aren't my actual family but I consider them my real family." Miki mumbled with a small sigh as she glanced out the window. My dad is

"I see." Tsukishima hummed as he glanced out the other window, trying not to look at Miki. She's been doing that a lot lately.

By that, he meant her expression. Sometimes, when she thought Tsukishima wasn't looking, her expression would slightly falter. Her eyebrows would knit together and the corner of her lips would tilt downwards into a frown. He's seen it so many times that he wants to ask, but something's stopping him.

"Arriving at XX station shortly."

As the train cane to a complete stop at the station, Miki and Tsukishima stood up and exited in an orderly fashion. She walked ahead of him, leading him through the crowd that was getting increasingly larger.

"Miki!" A voice called out loudly, surprising both Tsukishima and Miki who weren't expecting it. It surprised them even more when Miki was tackled to the floor by three junior high kids.

Tsukishima watched from the side, awkwardly standing there as Miki was barraged with hugs and greetings.

"Okay, okay, stop. The floor is dirty." Miki muttered as she held out a hand, being pulled off the floor by the oldest of the three underclassmen. "Thanks, Takao."

The black haired male simply nodded, taking her bag off her shoulder and slinging it on his own. He patiently waited beside Miki as she rounded up the other two who were about to wander off.

"So, uh, Tsukishima, this is Takao," She pointed to black haired male who stood at 5'9. "This is Daiki." The 5'7 brown haired male grinned, giving Tsukishima a peace sign. "And that's Ryota." The shortest male stood at 5'5, an inch taller than Miki.

"Are you Miki's boyfriend?" Takao asked bluntly, not looking too interested nor disinterested in the topic. He was just asking.

Miki slapped his head, shooting him a sharp glare. "Don't be rude. He's not my boyfriend. We're just doing a project together."

"What kind of project makes you guys have to come visit us?" Takao asked as he was pushed in the direction of the station exit.

"None of the damn business, that's what." Miki muttered with a sigh, glancing over at Tsukishima who was being yanked by Ryota. "Ryota, stop that."

"Wow, I can't believe you're the shortest yet you're older than all of them." Tsukishima snickered as he watched the males stand beside Miki who was the shortest of them all. "Kinda embarrassing. Pfft."

"Don't laugh!" Miki shouted as she smacked Tsukishima's arm. She turned to the three boys, smacking them on the head for laughing along. "Don't you guys laugh either!"

"Miki, I'm literally in my first year of junior high and I'm talle-"

Miki smacked Ryouta in the head, silencing the male who dared speak of her "shortness" at a time like this. "I'm not even that short though."

"Mhmm, keep telling yourself that." Tsukishima chuckled, reaching over to ruffle her hair that quickly became tousled. Soft.

"Uhm, wot the fock?" Miki spluttered as she feigned anger. She quickly reached up, smoothing out her hair while smacking his hand away. "Don't touch my hair, Shittyshima."

"Miki, can we stop at the convenience store?" Daiki asked as he pointed at the store on the corner of the street. Upon getting a nod from Miki, he held out his hand for a bit of cash from the female who willingly handed him some.

"Want something?" Takao asked, glancing up at Tsukishima who looked semi-surprised.

"Uh, anything is fine." The blond shrugged, genuinely unsure of what to ask for.

Takao nodded, heading into the store with Ryouta and Daiki at his sides. Miki and Tsukishima stood outside, waiting patiently for the kids who returned moments later.

"Here." Takao mumbled, placing a box of strawberry milk into Tsukishima's hand. Seeing his surprised expression, Takao went on, "Miki said you like strawberry flavored stuff."

Tsukishima's eyes slid over to Miki who was busy talking to Ryouta who had bought her some toothpaste.

"You little shit-"

"Do you like her?" Takao didn't hesitate to ask the question that had been floating around his mind since the two had arrived. Something about the way Tsukishima and Miki looked at each other made Takao think they were more than just friends.

"Huh?" Tsukishima's eyes flashed with surprise before he quickly narrowed them, shooting Takao an incredulous look. "You think I would like her?"

"Uh?" A wrinkle formed between Takao's eyebrows. "Yeah? That's literally why I asked."

Tsukishima blinked twice at Takao then looked over at Miki who was trying to wave them down from across the street.

"It's fine if you do. Yukio nor will I be upset about it. We just want you to treat Miki nicely." Takao shrugged, adjusting Miki's bag on his shoulder as he began to cross the street.

Tsukishima stared at the younger male's retreating figure, unsure of what to say, thing or do.

In the end, he just chose to follow after the boy and cross the street to regroup with Miki and the others.

"What were you guys talking about?" Miki asked as she walked behind the three boys with Tsukishima at her side. Her curiosity got the best of her  after seeing Takao and Tsukishima talk.

The blond's lips curled upwards into a smirk, "None of your business, shorty."

"I'll go Sangwoo on your ass."

"Kinda glad I don't know what that is." 

[ authors note : on today's episode of 'terms i made up that just make sense', we have our first term.

- SCSS -
side character simp syndrome

A person who simps for side characters even though they don't get a whole lot of screen time.

me: bro, i think u have SCSS
you: what? how?
me: you're reading this fanfic so you have side character simp syndrome

sorry it was just a random thought i had earlier LMAOO i'll probs post another chapter later! ]

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