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[ third person ]


Miki shot up from her bed, dripping in sweat. Her frantic eyes searched the room, finding herself in her own room. Tsukishima was nowhere in sight and she soon came to a heart wrenching realization.

It was just a dream.

lol sikeeeee

"C'mon, stop being so weird." Tsukishima muttered as he yanked Miki towards him by her wrist, chuckling when she yelped. She sat in his lap, pouting as her face burned bright red. "It's been half an hour already and you're still flustered."

Miki hit him in the face with a pillow, groaning. "Because we're d-dati-" She threw herself backwards, overheating from her attempt to admit their newfound relationship.

A laugh escaped Tsukishima's lip as he grabbed Miki's hands, pulling her up into a sitting position. "Get used to it, honey."

"Ew, not honey." Miki whined as her head fell on his shoulder, resting there as they just enjoyed each other's company.

Tsukishima hummed, thinking of a new nickname instead of honey. He wasn't really trying to be endearing, more so teasing with hopes that she'd get flustered.

"How about," He glanced down at her, smirking slightly. "Baby?"

The way it rolled off his tongue made her body shiver slightly. Tsukishima noticed it and his smirk grew.

"Shut up! I hate it!" She scoffed as she pushed his face away, trying to get off his lap. How the fuck did we even get here?!? AHHHHH

ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ-sᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇs ᴀɢᴏ

Miki laid on Tsukishima's bed with teary eyes as embarrassment filled her to the brim. She felt so flustered that her first kiss might've been terrible because of her lack of experience. The feeling of being this vulnerable to another person was scary. Moreover, that person being Tsukishima was also scary. He really sees me in all my weakest, most vulnerable states.

"This isn't a funny prank."

He could practically feel Miki shrinking with embarrassment. It didn't help that a hearty laugh escaped his lips, eliciting a strange feeling in her stomach. "You really think I'd do that as a prank? I can't even imagine touching another female like this as a joke."

The raven haired female didn't say anything, knowing better than anyone that he would never play a joke like this on anyone. But her suspicions were still high.

Tsukishima sighed, "Now, are you gonna let me tell you how I feel?" His lips curled upwards in a small amused smile when she jumped.

"How you feel?!-" Miki made a move to throw herself backwards, panicked by his words. Unfortunately for her, Tsukishima locked his hold on the girl and kept her in place. He gently pinned her wrists against the bed, being face to face with her like before.

"I'm only saying this because I think you're the same." The male muttered as he leaned in dangerously close, searching her glassy eyes for an answer. "I like you."

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now