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[ third person ]


* nsfw *

(i'll tell u when it starts & ends so u can skip the smut & still enjoy the epilogue heheh)

After high school, the two had unfortunately split ways. Not relationship wise, just physically. Their career paths were different, forcing the two to go their separate ways while remaining as a couple. Lucky for them, they were striving as a long distance couple that survived on phone calls, face times and text messages.

After about two years without seeing each other face to face, they had finally both freed their schedules to be together for a week. Miki's job hindered her from going out, so she had finally put in enough work to take off for a long week. Tsukishima was too busy with volleyball and college to even hope to meet up with his girlfriend of nearly five years.

But when they finally could, you know damn well they hopped at the chance to see each other.

Sitting on the train, Miki fiddled with her hands as she tried to calm her nerves. The trip from Tokyo was long but seemed longer than normal on this special day. She couldn't seem to calm down because of mind going crazy about her boyfriend.

Does he look different than on camera? Is he taller? Has he changed? Is there something I don't know?

Everything was pouring into her mind, making her panic even more. She didn't even realize she had arrived at Miyagi until the train came to complete stop and people began to get up.

Exiting the train, she shivered and fixed the scarf that hung around her neck. It was a maroon scarf she had received from Tsukishima in their second year of high school. It was just a piece of clothing he had given her back then and she had never returned.

Miki briskly walked over to the station exit, trying not to seem like she was in a rush when she really was. Her heart pounded with anticipation. Finally. After two years.

Glancing down at her phone, she reread the text he had sent before she got on the train from Tokyo. She didn't want to mistake their meeting place.

kei 💗 | 3hrs ago
let's meet in front of the station. text me when you're in miyagi🖤

miki 💗 | now
im here :)

He instantly responded, almost as if he was waiting for her text.

kei 💗 | now
great. im in front of the station.

Hurrying out of the station, she didn't even hear her wallet fall from her pocket. Lucky for her, someone tapped her shoulder to hand it back to her.

She turned around, facing a brunette male who smiled at her. He handed her the wallet, chuckling when she quickly began to pat her pockets. "Fuck. Thank you for returning it."

"Sure. Maybe I could get your number as a proper thanks?" He questioned, earning a small polite smile from Miki who shook her head.

"Ah, I actually have a boyfriend. I'm on my way to meet him now, so I gotta-" She got further up the stairs but was stopped by the male who jogged after her. Bitch-

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now