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[ third person ]


"Kimura-san!!" A student whined as they flashed the female their test. "I failed! Can you help me?"

Miki smiled thinly, No, I fucking can't. It's not my fault you're a dumbass. "Ah, I'm a bit busy, but I can put together a review sheet to help you pass on the make-up test."

"That'd be great!" The student beamed before skipping off happily. Once they were out of sight, another student appeared behind Miki.

"Wow, Miki, you're so sweet." The male whispered softly as he stood uncomfortably close to her. "That's the reason why I fell you, honestly."

A lump formed in Miki's throat as she felt shivers run down her spine. His breath was disgusting on her neck, making the hair on her body stand up.

"Sugihara-san..hey." Miki turned around to the face the brunette male who smiled sweetly at her. "W-What are you doing here?"

"Miki," The way he said her name was curt, reminding her of her own father. It made her go stiff. He laughed sweetly, "Didn't I tell you to call me Hiroki?"

"U-Uh, yeah, sorry. I forgot." She fiddled with the hem of her skirt, avoiding his eyes. The fact that he was scarily similar in appearance to her father was making things worse. God, just fucking go away. Please.

"Where did you go yesterday? I didn't see you go home on your usual route." Hiroki said as he reached out, grabbing a strand of hair that fell in front of her face.

So he's openly admitting he's a fucking stalker. Miki thought as she grit her teeth, doing her best to suppress a shudder of disgust.

"I.." She trailed off, unsure of what to even say. What? Went off with my boyfriend? Does that even sound natural or plausible? Fuck. I don't know what the fuck do.

"Oi, what's taking you so long?" The familiar, deep voice called as an arm snakes around Miki's waist. Tsukishima leaned down, pressing his lips to her temple to give her a small peck as a greeting. "I thought we agreed to eat lunch on the roof."

Miki was caught off guard, surprised by Tsukishima's sudden skinship. For some reason, she didn't feel disgusted by it. She felt rather comforted by his warm touch that would save her from this situation.

What the fuckavkdhsb why am I happy to see his ugly face?!?! Bjshskhdos

"Who's this?" Tsukishima rose an eyebrow at Hiroki who looked stunned by the sudden closeness between Miki and Tsukishima. The blond snickered lightly, turning his head to look at Miki. "You're not cheating on me, are you?"

"W-What?" Miki's cheeks flushed red as she looked at the male who was dangerously close to her face. His eyes told her to play along, so she did. "N-No. I'd never.."

"Good." Tsukishima smirked, turning back to Hiroki was shaking with anger. "So what's your business with my girlfriend? It's annoying to miss out on lunch for stupid reasons."

"Stupid-" The boy gauped at Tsukishima, offended that he'd even say a think. Recollecting himself, Hiroki smile politely. "I'm just having a friendly conversation with her. No harm in that, right?"

Tsukishima shrugged as he pulled a face. "Anyway," Turning to Miki, he smirked slightly. "Should we get going?"

Hiroki gaped at Tsukishima, unable to believe that this male was about to persuade Miki to leave mid-convo. He looked to Miki, practically begging her with his eyes to disagree with the male.

Fucking creep. "Yeah, we should." Miki turned to Hiroki and bowed slightly. "S-Sorry."

Before Hiroki could say anything, Tsukishima laced his hand with Miki's and tugged her in his direction. "Sorry, Sumihiro-san, you heard her. See you around."

"My name is Sugihara-"

Tsukishima held her hand, walking down the hall with her in tow. They ended up on the roof where they decided to hide out for now. Lucky for them, Kageyama and Hinata hadn't shown up to the roof for once since Miki said she wasn't going to eat lunch up there for today.

"You sounded like a total sleazebag." Miki muttered, looking in the opposite direction of the male who sat beside her. My cheeks are on fire.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes, "He wouldn't have left you alone if I didn't act like that. It was kind of revolting to behave like that." He coughed out a fake gag.

"Well, you're not wrong." Miki admitted with a small shrug. Slowly turning to Tsukishima, she felt her cheeks flush red when she noticed their hands still intertwined between them. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she awkwardly began talking, "Th...Thanks, I guess."

"You guess?" Tsukishima asked, turning to her to pinch her cheek with his free hand. "Restate that and I might accept it."

Miki pouted, narrowing her eyes at Tsukishima who waited for the revised apology. "Thank you..Tsukishima."

His free hand made its way to her hair, ruffling it more than necessary. "Save the thanks for later. Things aren't over yet. He seems like the persistent type."


"I just wanted to see your face turn red." He guffawed as the female began to beat him up for it.

"You stupid motherfucker-"

[ t i m e s k i p ]

"What's taking this weenie bo beanie so long?" Miki muttered under her breath as she stood at the gate like usual. Tsukishima didn't tell her to meet there but it had become a normal thing for them now.

"Miki," Hiroki's ragged voice filled her ears as he appeared beside her. "Are you on you way home?"

He glanced around, finding no sight of Tsukishima. "You're boyfriend's not around? Shall I accompany you home then?"

Miki laughed, feigning sheepishness. "Ah, it's okay, S-Sugihara-san. Tsu- Uh, Kei doesn't like me being alone with other guys." She explained, stepping away from the male who attempted to reach for her.

"But he wouldn't want you getting snatched up on the way home by creeps, so I should accompany you on the way home. For your safety, of course." He smiled sweetly, tilting his head to the side. "Tsukishima-san doesn't have to know."

A snicker came from behind them. "I don't have to know what?" Tsukishima asked as he approached Miki who looked slightly panicked over Hiroki's advances. "Sorry. I left my headphones in the clubroom and had to go back."

Miki smiled. "It's fine. I didn't wait long."

Tsukishima couldn't tell if that smile was real or fake for once. "If you'll excuse us Shinomaru-san, we'll be off."

"To where?" Miki asked.

Tsukishima smirked, glancing back at Hiroki who shook with anger again.

"A date."

[ a/n : tsukki seems a little ooc in the chap but he's only pretending to be a 'sweet, caring boyfriend' for now. my head hurts so this chapter isn't all that good today :,( ]

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