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[ third person ]


"You're late, sir." Miki scoffed playfully as she kicked off the wall, walking over to the male who rolled his eyes. Checking her watch, she chuckled, "Exactly 17 minutes late. We agreed to meet at 6:30. It's 6:47-"

A small breeze blew past her face as something red appeared before her eyes. Blinking furiously, she assumed she was dreaming. "W-What's this?"

"A rose. What else?" Tsukishima deadpanned, narrowing his eyes at the female who looked at the single rose with bewildered eyes. "What?"

"Why?" She whispered, taking the rose into her hand like it was the most delicate thing she had ever touched. "Is this your going away gift before you dump me?"

Tsukishima shot her a flat look, "What? No." The boy shoved his hands into his pockets, rocking on his heels lightly. "It's..our first date and all..." He trailed off, glancing away from the female who gawped at him, inducing a blush that crept up his neck.

her literal expression ^

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her literal expression ^

Miki let out a deep breath, crouching down with the rose in hand. "He's so unfair!" She cried out under her breath, earning a weird look from Tsukishima who reached down to grab her upper arm. He pulled her to a standing position, pursing his lips when he saw her flushed expression.

"Should we get going?" He asked as he took a step towards the train, looking at the mobile that was slowing to a stop. When he didn't hear a response from Miki, he glanced behind to find the female texting furiously on her phone with one hand and the rose in the other. "What're you doing?"

Miki snickered, "Flexing my rose." She giggled lightly, showing him the screen that had a picture of the rose and Tsukishima who faced away from the camera. The text below it was 'Tsukki decided to be a nice guy and buy me a rose. Talk about surprise attack 🤕 LMAO'

He shot her a flat look, disliking her text message that he interpreted to be playful. He did find it a bit funny but chose not to entertain her. "Hurry up."

He took a step forward before pausing, holding out his hand backwards. Miki noticed the small action and the light pink hue on his ears, feeling butterflies explode in her stomach. We're..really a couple.

Slowly, she slid her hand into his and allowed their fingers to intertwine. When their hands were perfectly molded together, he tugged her in the direction of the train doors that were opening.

Once they were inside, the two sat down towards the corner to avoid being around too much people. Not like anyone was really on the train at this time anyway.

"Are you just gonna stare at it all day?" Tsukishima asked as he slumped in his chest, resting their intertwined hands on his thigh. His eyes danced with amusement as Miki admired the red rose.

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now