into the tsukki-verse

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* all the characters from my books meet! what a mess! *

** this has no connection to the actual plot lol ! this was just for fun heheh **

[ third person ]

"Dear lord, what is this?" Miki asked as she eyed everyone in the room skeptically, genuinely unable to believe this. Tsukishima sat beside her with a perplexed look on his face.

"This is, uh, unique." Makoto chuckled as she leaned into her Tsukishima, eyeing the other people within the room. "Oh my, she's cute."

Everyone's eyes shifted to the small brunette female who smiled sheepishly. "H-Hi, senpais."

Such a cute greeting had all the girl's in the room looking like Midoriya from the one scene.

"Why are we here anyway?" Yuki asked with a quirked brow, playing with Tsukishima's hand that was rested on her leg

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"Why are we here anyway?" Yuki asked with a quirked brow, playing with Tsukishima's hand that was rested on her leg. "And why is there so many Keis...?"

"Since I'm assuming they're all Tsukishima Kei, why don't we introduce ourselves?" Makoto suggested with a shrug, looking at the females who nodded. "Youngest goes first."

The shorthaired brunette stood up slightly, bowing to everyone in the room. With her cute pink school uniform and her adorable face, she was already making all the females adore her. "Hi, I'm Masaki Momiji but everyone calls me Momo-chan. I come from Kyori!"

"You're so cute!" Yuki exclaimed as she threw her arms around Momo, squeezing the female lightly

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"You're so cute!" Yuki exclaimed as she threw her arms around Momo, squeezing the female lightly. Once she let Momo go, she stood up and smiled, "I'm Akamine Yuki from Be with me. Unfortunately, my book got put on hold then unpublished because Author-chan couldn't keep up with it."

Turning to face a random direction, Yuki clenched her first, "WAS MY LOVE STORY NOT GOOD ENOUGH, AUTHOR-CHAN?! DOMESTIC KEI WAS BEAUITFU-"

"Shut up." Tsukishima said as he yanked her down into her seat, covering her mouth with his hand. Nodding at the others, he sighed, "Continue."

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