- eleven -

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〚 third person 〛

♦ ♦ ♦

"WE'RE STUCK?!" Miki shouted once more, snapping her head in Tsukishima's direction. The male nodded, looking unfazed by matter. "WHY ARE YOU SO CALM?!"

"Stop shouting, will you? I'm right here." Tsukishima said as he rubbed his ear that was vibrating from her screams that echoed. "I tried to leave earlier but it was locked."

"You were gonna leave me here?!?" Miki barked as she walked over to the male who snickered with a nod. "Prick."

"Well," Miki took a seat in front of him, pulling her knees up to her chest. "What do we do now?"


"Not a chance." Miki replied immediately, narrowing her eyes at Tsukishima who snickered. Nuzzling her chin into her knees, she frowned slightly. "Ugh."

"What?" Tsukishima questioned, leaning on his desk to get a bit closer to Miki. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and shrugged.


Taking a step away from reality for a moment, Miki and Tsukishima realized that their conversations tended to contain those words a lot recently. It was as if they both cared enough to ask, but didn't bother to spill what was up.

"But really, what do we do now?" Miki asked awkwardly, glancing around the empty classroom with wary eyes. The silence was getting a bit awkward.

"This feels like a typical shoujo manga." Tsukishima murmured, taking his headphones off from around his neck and placing it on the desk.

"You read those? What a surprise." Miki said with a small snicker, earning a roll of the eyes from Tsukishima who reached out to flick her. Holding her tender forehead, she grunted, "Well, what happens in those situations?"

"They die."

"They fucking WHAT??" Miki's shout echoed within the room, making Tsukishima slightly grimace.

"Jesus, no need to shout. No need to yell. No need to have a riot. Shut your eyes. Take a deep breath."

Miki nearly ripped out her hair, "Don't be using those fucking references on me right now. I want to go home." Well, not necessarily home, but I want my bed.

"Geez, fine." Tsukishima huffed. He muttered under his breath, "Impatient ass nitwit."

"I'll kill you, Tsukishima." Miki growled, catching that small comment he let out. Her narrowed eyes had no effect on the male who simply grinned.

"You know what usually happens during those situations?" The blond questioned, leaning down in front of her with his arms on either sides of her. His smirk was taunting, almost as if he was hoping for a flustered reaction out of her. "They usually kiss or, better yet, they fu-"

"S-Shut up!" Miki shouted, covering his mouth with her hands. She swallowed thickly, unable to meet his eyes. What the fuck is he talking about?!? He's just playing with me!

"Why's your face so red, Class Rep?" The honey-eyed male inquired lowly, holding her wrists in his large hands. He leaned down, inspecting her reddened cheeks as she tried to turn away from him. "Why are you so flustered? I'm just telling you about the shoujo manga plot."

"Stop it, Shittyshima! Fuck off!" Miki shouted, yanking her hands out of his grip. She tried to push him away, but he simply grabbed her arms, pulling her towards him. Their faces were inches away, so close that the could feel each other's hot breath fanning on their faces. Her eyes went wide, seeing how close he was to her face.

"You're like a strawberry." He murmured lowly, smirking at the female who only grew more and more red.

"St-" Her words were caught in her throat as he hovered over her, dangerously close to her lips. The temperature in the room had suddenly dropped about twenty degrees, making Miki sweat.

She gulped, trembling slightly as she braved herself for a kiss. His minty gum breath fanned over her, making her melt like an icecream cone on a hot day.

Is he really gonna kiss me? Is it okay? Is this alright?

"How defenseless." Tsukishima murmured, grabbing her chin gently. He stared at the expression on her face, wondering if she was letting him do this on purpose. "Not gonna stop me, Class Rep?"

Tsukishima found himself leaning in, nearly bringing their lips together in a kiss.

Her heart raced, going into overdrive as he got closer. Before she could experience her first kiss, she roughly pushed him off of her and stood up.

He stumbled, bumping into the desk behind him before stabilizing himself. His eyes weren't able to keep up with Miki who ran over to the window, jumping out like she had a death wish or something. He rushed over to the window, wondering if she was dead or not.

To his relief, they were only on the second floor, and she landed in some bushes to brace her landing. Before he could call out to her, she had already ran off with messy hair and leaves all over her.

The male sighed softly, grabbing his bag and headphones, heading over to the door. Rummaging through his pocket, he pulled out the keys and unlocked the door. After one last look in the classroom, he shut the door and left the school with a small smile on his face.


"Aghhhh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Miki swore as she walked home, desperately trying to erase the humiliation she felt. Was I actually going to fucking kiss him?!?! Aghhhh. That's so embarrassing! I pushed him so hard and ran away! Fuck. I wanna just crawl in a hole and die.

As she neared her home, her trivial worries about Tsukishima and her almost-first kiss had dissipated when she saw her father standing on the porch with his arms crossed over his chest.

Her head hung low as she approached him slowly, fearing the reaction he'd have when finally spoke up.

"Where the hell were you?" He bellowed, loud enough to scare her but not enough to wake neighbors.

"I had to finish some work. It's my job as Class Rep. It ran a little long since I had to do it on my own." She explained, not completely lying but not completely telling the truth either. God, she was scared.

Snatching her by the collar of her shirt, he yanked her towards him and inhaled slightly. "You smell like fucking cologne."

Miki swallowed thickly, growing more and more anxious. "One of my classmates was being silly and sprayed everyone with cologne. It was just a silly prank. I swear."

Throwing her down roughly, Miki's body laid sprawled on the sidewalk as pain shot through her elbow and hip.

"I told you not to mess around with that boy. You better not be meeting with him anymore." Her father snapped, turning on his heels to head into the house. "Wash up and get to bed right now. Don't even think of going into the kitchen."

With her head bowed, she picked herself up off the ground and did as told.

That night, she fell asleep with a heavy heart, a muddled mind and an empty stomach.

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