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* was too lazy to go back & check for spelling/other errors *

[ third person ]


"How are things going with Tsukishima?" Suga asked as he caught the female in the hallway, coincidentally walking past her.

Miki jumped lightly, holding her chest to soothe her heart that was racing. "Jesus, don't scare me like that."

"So?" Suga grinned, wiggling an eyebrow at Miki who sighed and shrugged.

"Nothing's happened at all. He's not even talking with me that much either." Miki answered back as she leaned against the hallway windowsill, sighing softly as Suga perched his upper half on the same windowsill. Her expression soured, "Why do you keep bringing it up? It's annoying."

Suga laughed, used to hearing that sentence from Miki who had repeated it at least seven times a day. "I'm just curious about my precious kouhai."

Miki froze, holding up a hand as a horrified expression crossed her face. "Don't tell me. You lik-"


"Oh thank god." Miki exhaled with relief, swiping a hand over her forehead. Dodged a bullet there. ( she just doesn't want problems bc she already likes tsukki LOL )

"Well, the whole team is going to the mall this Saturday. You should come along." Suga grinned, patting Miki's shoulder lightly. His brown eyes peered past her, spotting the blond who had turned the corner. Smirking internally, Suga put his next phase of his plan into action. Stepping towards Miki, he leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "Don't look now but Tsukishima is at the end of that hall. Oh, he's already looking at you."

Hearing the mention of Tsukishima, her face flushed pink as she slowly pulled away. She didn't want to look but her body betrayed her. Turning at an angle, her eyes fell upon the blond who made his way down the hall. Her muddled mind failed to notice his expression, but boy, Suga saw everything.

The older male saw how Tsukishima's eyebrows knitted together deeply and his jaw tightened when he saw Miki's reddened face as she stood dangerously close to Suga. The subtle indent of Tsukishima's tongue showed on one side of his cheek. That glare was so cold.

Sugawara felt somewhat proud of himself. It's pretty easy to make him jealous.

"So you're coming to the mall with me this weekend, yeah?" Suga licked his lips, desperately trying to bite back the laugh that threatened to escape when he saw Tsukishima's body stiffen out of the corner of his eye.

Miki shrugged, "Ehhh, I was gonna-"

"C'mon, Miki-chan, I'll treat you to some soft pretzels." The male grinned, watching her defense immediately cave in upon hearing one of her weaknesses.

"Fine." She drawled out exasperatedly, looking forward to getting some soft pretzels this weekend. "We can meet at the mall entrance, yeah?"

"Better yet, I'll meet you at the station." Suga flashed her a charming smile that made the female slightly squint at him.

Feels like he's planning something. She thought as he grabbed her arm, pulling her in the direction of her classroom since the bell rang. With a quick goodbye, Suga turned on his heels to leave, 'accidentally' bumping into Tsukishima as he did so. "Ah, sorry, Tsukishima! Excuse me."

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