- five -

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〚 third person 〛

♦ ♦ ♦

One last pic and I'll be gone
Make it count
Put the flash on
Never really felt like I belonged
So I'll be on my way
And I won't be long
I'll be dead by dawn

Miki laid on the floor of Tsukishima's living room with his headphones over her ears. Her eyes were closed as she rhythmically tapped her fingers on her stomach to the music. When the song ended, she heard the new song come on.

Right now (right now)
I gotta get close to you baby, right now (right now)
Tell me what you wanna do baby, right now
I gotta get close to you baby, right now (right now)
Right now

Majority of his playlist is sad, chill or love songs. Miki thought as she rolled over onto her stomach, glancing over at Tsukishima who laid on the couch.

His body was sprawled across the couch as he watched TV. His eyes were trained on the screen that played 'Peter Pan' on it. (Live action version, ofc)

[ one hour ago ]

Miki sat down at the table before them, pulling out her packet and notebook. Tsukishima did the same, slower than she did.

"When is your birthday?" Miki asked as she clicked her pencil, ready to write down the date. She glanced up at Tsukishima, finding him watching the video of her in the classroom. "You bastard! Listen!"

With a loud sigh, he tossed his phone aside and snatched her pencil from her hand. "Tell me, what day was a devil like you born?"

Miki narrowed her eyes at him, scoffing slightly. "September 20th."

Tsukishima coughed out a snicker, scribbling down the date onto his paper. "The 27th."


"September, stupid." Tsukishima muttered, raising a brow at Miki who rolled her eyes.

"Fuck you." Miki snapped as she write down the date. "So, technically, I'm older than your bitch ass."

"By seven days. Don't let it go to your head, midget." Tsukishima remarked, accidentally kicking Miki's knee when he stretched out his legs under the table. "Whoops."

"I'm literally gonna jump over this table and kick your ass." The raven haired female threatened flatly as a vein pulsated with annoyance. He simply laughed, leaning against the couch for support.

"Yeah, whatever, Class Rep."

"Stop fucking calling me Class Rep. It makes me want to rip my fucking ears off and drown." Miki muttered as she dropped her head into the table. Tsukishima huffed slightly, rolling his eyes at the female who was being so dramatic.

"What was your name again?"

"Oh, that's it-"

Akiteru watched from the doorway with a grimace on his face. The two rolled around on the floor, having a small fight that ended with both of them getting a whack on the head from Akiteru.

"I was joking, jesus." Tsukishima said as he fixed his shirt that was messed up from Miki literally using it as a grip while she beat him up. "Psycho."

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