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〚 third person 〛

♦ ♦ ♦

"Hello?" Yukio's voice filled Miki's ears as she yawned, rubbing her eyes. Grabbing her phone, she looked at the screen that had Yukio's ugly face on it.

"Ew." They said in unison as they saw each other's face. Soon after, both began to chuckle softly.

"Why're you up? I called by accident, but I didn't expect you to answer." Yukio said as he blinked at the camera, bringing the phone closer to his face to inspect her face. "EHHH?! Why do you look like a fucking zombie?!"

Miki grimaced, feeling her eardrums sting from his loud volume. "I haven't properly slept since Friday."

"Why? Your project is due in like three months, right?" Yukio said, recalling how Miki brought up her project.

The raven haired female nodded, yawning once more. "Something happened Friday night, and I had to stay up."

Yukio nodded, understanding that Miki probably didn't want to talk about. So, he changed the topic to something more lighthearted.

Once it hit around 7, Miki hung up the phone and began getting ready for school. She took a quick shower, putting on her uniform and bandaging whatever injuries she had.

Putting Tsukishima's jacket in a bag, she frowned and exited her room. Since her father was gone, she was able to make a small breakfast for herself.

"Coffee." Miki mumbled as she stood still, sipping the delicious iced coffee. It was refreshing.

Rushing out the front door, she began her journey to the school which was only ten minutes away. It didn't take her too long to get there, seeing as she was rushing more than normal.

Arriving on campus, she greeted everyone with a smile and made her way to her classroom. Sliding the door open, she found Tsukishima sat at his desk with his headphones over his ears. The classroom was empty; no one other than Tsukishima being in there.

Despite having his music up loud and his focus being on his phone, his eyes immediately darted in her direction. Once their eyes connected, Miki felt somewhat guilty for something she didn't do.

Walking over to the male, she awkwardly placed the bag down on top of his desk. Before he could pull out the jacket, she spoke up.

"I'm gonna be upfront with you because I'll feel like fucking shit otherwise." Miki started, pulling the jacket out of the bag. She flashed him the sleeve that had been previously ripped. "I accidentally ripped your jacket. It was so fucking bad that I literally lost my fucking mind. I was going to literally kill someone." For more reasons than one.

"But I fixed it." Miki finished, placing the jacket down before him. Tsukishima picked up the jacket, looking at the seams that looked almost unnoticeably sewed. It almost looked brand new with very few small screw-ups here and there.

"Wow, living up to your duties as a woman." Tsukishima's self-satisfied chortle made Miki kick his leg under the table. "I wouldn't have even noticed if you'd kept it a secret."

"It...It doesn't feel right if I didn't tell you." Miki said as her expression slightly faltered. Tsukishima's eyes slightly widened with surprise. He'd never seen such an expression cross her face before. It disappeared as fast as it came since she quickly scowled. "O-Or some fucking shit like that."

Tsukishima dismissed it, slipping on the jacket that was perfectly fine. His eyes drifted down to her hands that were folded in her lap. Majority of her fingers were covered in shoddily placed bandaids.

Noticing his gaze on her hand, she lifted them. "I'm not a fucking master seamstress, so I pricked my fingers a couple times. Then I got stabbed by the fucking seam ripper thing? I don't even fucking know, but that shit hurt!"

Abruptly, Tsukishima stood up from his seat and began walking towards the door. Miki watched him with confused eyes, watching as he motioned for her to follow.

No. That's what her mind said. Then why is her body moving automatically?

Following behind the male, they ended up at the infirmary which was empty but unlocked for once. He stepped inside, closing the door behind Miki who automatically went to sit on her bed.

"You're pretty stupid, shorty." Tsukishima denoted as he dug through the cabinets for a certain box. Miki flipped him off.

"Shut up, bitch."

Moments later, Tsukishima arrived beside her with a box of bandaids. "You're stupid and terrible at putting on bandaids."

"My hands were fucking sore when I was putting them on, so sorry!" Miki laid down, slightly holding out her hands to Tsukishima who removed the bandaids from her hands. "And how am I stupid?"

Laying down on this bed after three days of near to no sleep, she was beginning to feel sleepy. Her eyelids were heavy, and she could feel her brain shutting down.

"You probably shouldn't follow the guy you hate to an empty room where no one can find you. Not the smartest move." Tsukishima patronized, shaking his head at Miki who closed her eyes for a moment.

"Ugh. But I don't hate you."

The feeling of his rough, calloused hands grazing her hand made her feel weird. The way his voice filled her ears made her stomach tingle. His touch was warm and gentle, as if he was doing his best not to hurt her since her hands were messed up.

Sometimes, Miki gets this quick, fleeting thought whenever she's with Tsukishima. Whenever he speaks softly or behaves different than usual, her heart goes 'Badump' and all she can think is,

He's not such a bad guy after all.

Those words may not seem like all to much to anyone, but coming from her, that was the biggest compliment he could ever receive.

Tsukishima slightly paused, peering down at Miki's face that was peacefully void of emotion. Soft breaths escaped her lips, signaling that she was fast asleep after two minutes of laying down.

Tsukishima finished bandaging her hands, chuckling softly at the female who looked so childish without the usual expression on her face.

No fake smiles, no awkward looks, no scowl or frowns. Just a relaxed expression that was blissfully simple.

Tsukishima threw a blanket over her body, exiting the room as Etsuko walked in. "This simpleton needs to rest."

Before Etsuko could form a response, Tsukishima left as the bell rang. He returned to his classroom, informing the teacher of Miki's absence since she'd probably be gone the rest of the day.

Tsukishima leaned his cheek on his hand, frowning to himself as he stared at his desk. His honey-colored eyes were thin with confusion as he tried to figure out what the hell induced the thought he previously had.

I must be crazy. Tsukishima thought as he ran a hand through his hair. The rest of the class was unaware of his internal breakdown. I did not just think she was..cute a minute ago.

Seeing that soft, defenseless expression on her face, he somehow thought she looked cute. The thought dissipated before Tsukishima could even elaborate on the thought.

He glanced out the window, pressing his knuckles against his lips. A deep exhale escaped his nose as he focused on the trees.

There's no way she's cute. She's just a loud-mouthed, ill-mannered, two-faced brute with no filter. Not cute whatsoever. I think.

[ a/n : i'll post two chapters today cuz i have a few lined up already \ (••) / ]

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