- twelve -

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〚 third person 〛

♦ ♦ ♦

"You're late, Kimura-san." Their teacher said as Miki bowed apologetically, looking distressed yet composed at the same time.

"I'm really sorry, sensei. I won't be next time." Miki said softly, bowing once more before scurrying off to her seat. Fuck.

As she quickly pulled out her book, flipping to the page everyone was on, her eyes subconsciously shifted to the blond who sat across the room. His eyes were sharp, scrutinizing her every move with a slight hint of smugness in them. She went stiff, looking away as memories of the night before filled her mind. Shut the fuck up, Miki. Stop thinking about that bullshit. He was just fucking around.

"Kimura-san, would you read the next paragraph for us?" The teacher said, shifting their weight to their other foot. Miki stood up, flattening her skirt before beginning to read the paragraph.

Focus, Miki. Don't get off track.


Throughout the day, her mind was all over the place. Seeing Tsukishima everywhere was making her nervous, not only because they nearly kissed last night. Her heart was racing, and she felt weird. Part of her didn't care about the consequences of seeing Tsukishima again, but she knew things wouldn't be so easy next time she got caught.

"Miki?" A voice called out from behind Miki, making her nearly jump thirty feet in the air with surprise. Spinning around, she was greeted by a smile from Hinata who stood with Kageyama at his side. He literally turned into the '🥺' emoji when he noticed he had frightened her. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

Ugh, babey. Miki thought as she smiled, unable to get angry at him for his sudden greeting. "It's fine. My head was in the clouds, so I didn't notice you walk up behind me. Are you guys here for drinks?"

Kageyama had already gone to the vending machine to get himself a milk box while Hinata stayed to talk to Miki.

"Yup! Kageyama-kun wanted some milk before we went up to the roof to eat lunch!" Hinata beamed, yelling at Kageyama to get him some orange juice. "Where are you off to, Miki?"

The female slightly faltered, genuinely unsure of where to go now. The classroom held Tsukishima who was bound to bring up last night, and she had nowhere else to go.

Sheepishly, she shrugged. "Uh, not sure. Maybe I'll just wander around until lunch is over." God, I feel like a fucking loser.

"Alone?" Hinata asked with a frown, feeling his heart ache at her subtle loneliness. Linking arms with her, he turned to Kageyama. "Kageyama-kun, can Miki come with us to the roof?!"

"Huh?" Kageyama asked as the straw of his milk rested between his lips. "I don't care either way. The more the merrier, yeah?"

"Why does your voice sound so lifeless when you say that?!" Hinata exclaimed, whacking Kageyama's arm lightly. Turning to Miki, he beamed brightly and tugged her towards the building. "You coming, Miki?"

"A-Ah, uh, sure." Miki allowed him to drag her along, feeling somewhat nervous by this entire exchange. "Thank you.."

As they sat on the roof, Miki felt strangely comfortable with these two. To be honest, she thought they were a bunch of idiots who only has a single braincell for volleyball. That was an impression she got based on her first time meeting the two on an eventful day of school a month ago.

"Class 1-4." Miki mumbled to herself as she walked down the hall, trying to find the classroom that would be hers. Before she could even fathom finding the classroom, she was nearby knocked over by a small male who had accidentally bumped into her. What the fuck was that? She thought as she struggled to keep a smile on her face.

"S-Sorry! I didn't see you walking!" The boy exclaimed nervously as he went rigid, seeing someone appear behind Miki. "G-Gotta go!"

The boy sped off, being followed by a raven haired male who called him a dumbass.

Miki stared at the two who ran off, wondering if they were idiots or if that smaller kid was being bullied. Either way, she couldn't be bothered by them anyway.

It's none of my business. I won't ever speak to them anyway.

Miki nearly snickered. Look at me now. Hah.

"So, Miki, did you and Tsukishima finally k-" Miki choked on her milk, growing worried when she heard the start of the familiar word. "Are you okay, Miki?!"

Does he know?!?!?

"Yeah, did you guys finally kill enough time together to learn about each other?" Kageyama asked as he popped a grape into his mouth. "I heard you guys were trying everything or whatever."

"Oh, uh, not really. We only got through like four questions each." Miki explained sheepishly, remembering that she should probably start working harder on this project.

"How much longer do you guys have to do it?"

"Two months." Miki answered as she sipped her milk, placing the empty carton on the floor beside her leg.

The three of them spoke of the project for a bit longer, ending with both males being shocked that she was fluent in English too.

"The bell rang." Kageyama pointed out as he stood up, holding out a hand to Hinata who literally didn't even notice it.

"Here!" Hinata said happily as he held out a hand to Miki, helping her up off the ground easily. He beamed at the female who looked genuinely relaxed with them. "You should hang with us more often, Miki!"


"Yup! You're a lot of fun!" Hinata exclaimed joyfully with a cute giggle. It made her heart squeeze like she was looking at a child. Too precious.

"Are you sure...?" Miki asked uncertainly, not used to the whole invitation thing when it came to friends.

"Yup! I always thought your smile were weird, but today, they were different!" Hinata laughed softly. Miki's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.


"Fake." Kageyama answered with a small huff. "Your smiles always look fake."

"Mhmm! But today, they looked really real! Were you happy to hang with us?" Hinata questioned playfully, not noticing the slight change in expression on Miki's face. "I like this Miki better!"

Why...did that make me feel so happy?

[ a/n : a bit of interaction between miki and kagehina cuz they are all babeys. lol actually this was just me being lazy cuz it's currently 3am and im tired. tomorrow, you get better chapter \ (••) / ]

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