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[ third person ]


"Don't use flash, dumbass!"

"But I can see their faces better with flash!"

"Stop talking so loud! You'll wake them up."

"Send it to the groupchat, bruh!"

"Yeah, the groupchat!"

"A-Are you, uh, sure we should do this?"

"Chill, bro, we're not bothering them."

"Not bothering, my ass." Miki muttered as she glared at them through narrowed eyes. She stretched, pulling the blanket away from her body a bit. "What time is it?"

Daichi glanced at his watch, "7:37am."

"Why the hell are you guys all awake at 7am?" Miki questioned, closing her eyes with a small sigh. The warmth of her bed was really hitting different this morning.

"Well, we woke up and Tsukishima was gone, so we had to come ask you." Suga said with a small smile as he forwarded the pictures to the groupchat.

Miki hummed quietly, still half asleep. "Where'd he go?"

"In your bed."

The words took a moment to process. When it finally did half a minute later, her eyes shot open as she threw herself backwards. In a flash, her body was on the floor with her gaze up at ceiling. "Ow, fuck-"

"Are you okay?" Suga asked worriedly, bending down beside her to check if her head was okay after bashing it on the floor.

When all the memories of letting Tsukishima sleep in her bed rushed back into her mind, she let out a muffled screamed as she covered her face with her hands. "No."

After everyone cleared out of the room and headed downstairs, Miki stood at the stove to cook some breakfast for the males who waited in the living room. Suga stood beside her, helping her cook whatever she was making, which happened to be eggs and bacon.

"Oh my god, you sent it to the groupchat?" Miki asked as she looked at Suga's phone, crying internally when she realized there was no to unsend the picture. "You guys are all horrible."

Suga held his hands up defensively, chuckling softly. "You guys just looked so cute."

Miki scowled lightly, feeling heat spread across her cheeks. "Bleh."

"Do you like him?" Suga asked as he cracked another egg into the pan, enjoying the quiet sizzling sound it made when it touched the hot skillet. "I know you guys were only fake dating before."

Miki's face immediately flushed red, the color being from embarrassment and also shyness of having his attention directly on her. "Uhhhhhh, can I answer that when I'm not panicking?"

"Based on that reaction, I assume you do like him." The silver haired male smiled sweetly. "How cute."

"Don't make fun of me." Miki said as she whisked a bunch of eggs to make scrambled eggs so they'd have variation of eggs. "It's not my first time liking a guy but it is my first time being this close with him."

"You're calmer about this than I would've expected." Daichi pointed out as he placed a hand on Suga's shoulder, relieving him of his cooking duties for now. The silver haired male still stuck around to listen to Miki.

The female shot both of them a flat look. "Were you expecting me to go full tsundere mode?" Her expression flattened even more when she saw the guilty smiles on their faces. "Bruh-"

"Anyway," Suga said as he took out some ketchup from the fridge. "Why don't you tell him how you feel?"

"Hah?? No way! That's crazy. Are you freaking insane?! That's death waiting for me! I could never!" Miki scoffed loudly, getting flusteeed by the thought of actually telling Tsukishima how she felt. I'd get rejected.

"It really seems like he likes you though, if that matters." Ennoshita said with a small sigh as he appeared behind her. She pouted, unable to suppress the redness of her cheeks.

"Of course it matters." She huffed, pouring the egg mixture into the pan to let it cook. "But I ain't telling him shit. Why the fuck do I have to do it?"

"You aren't telling who shit?" Tsukishima asked as he entered the kitchen, raising an eyebrow at the four of them who went stiff. Miki turned around, shaking subtly as she tried to think of an excuse.

"Fuck off, Shittyshima." NO, THATS NOT WHAT I WANTED TO SAY.

"Tch. You're still vulgar as ever." He muttered as he grabbed some plates, putting it down beside the stove so everyone could get their food and go. He walked away momentarily to get something but paused when he realized he left his phone on the kitchen counter. Turning on his heels, he reentered the kitchen but froze midway.

"What're you gonna do about your crush then? You have to confess soon." Suga said softly as he patted Miki's shoulder, encouraging her to do her best. The female frowned, tinging pink at the thought.

"Maybe one day. Not now though. I still have other things to worry abou-" Miki caught sight of Tsukishima in her corner of her eye and nearly died. Her soul left her body as the male rose an eyebrow, snickering at her.

"The demon has a crush? How unusual." He grabbed hs phone, exiting the kitchen as a scowl slipped onto his lips. His jaw clenched at the thought of her liking someone. His irritation levels spiked.

"Suga, oh my god, he heard. Lord, save me now because I'm going to die." Miki said as she began to panic, grabbing Suga's arms for stability.

The silver haired male smiled, reassuring that it would be okay. A small smirk graced his lips as he looked up at Daichi and Ennoshita who shot back the same knowing smirk.

Oh dear, Asahi thought as he walked through the kitchen, noticing everyone's knowing look that they shared. Guess they're doing the plan they talked about last night. (^_^;)

When they finished cooking, everyone sat down in the living room to eat. As soon as the conversation settled down a bit, Suga decided to bring up a new topic that caught the attention of everyone in the room.

"Our dear Miki-chan has a crush on a guy. Could you guys give her a bit of advice to help her out?" Suga said with a sweet smile that made Miki's jaw drop.

"Suga-san! Why are you telling-"

"No, no, please continue. I'm curious." Daichi chuckled as he leaned forward, showing how interested he was in this topic.

"Not you too!"

Daichi, Suga and Ennoshita made eye contact, smirking as they all glanced over at Tsukishima at the same time. Their smirks only widened when they saw Tsukishima's dark expression as he listened to everyone talk about Miki's crush.

Step 1: Awareness/Jealousy

[ a/n : that awko taco moment when you realize you're almost thirty chapters in and neither characters have made any moves yet (; ̄▽ ̄) we getting there bros ! patience LOL ! SOON SOON SOON !! also, might be posting the first two(?) chapters of my new tsukki book today but idk LMAO ]

[ a/n : that awko taco moment when you realize you're almost thirty chapters in and neither characters have made any moves yet (ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ we getting there bros ! patience LOL ! SOON SOON SOON !! also, might be posting the first two(?) chapters of my...

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