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im so mad that i had to write this out on my computer while typing slowly to avoid making any loud noises :'(

[ third person ]


"I'm home." Miki called out as she removed her shoes by the door. Tsukishima awkwardly stood behind her, doing the same with his shoes. "Why does it smell like shi-"

"Oh hey! You guys made it already!" Yukio was quickly smacked upside the head by Etsuko who began yelling at him.

"I TOLD YOU TO CLEAN UP BEFORE THEY GOT HERE!" Etsuko shouted, pointing at the literal garbage dump he had going on in the living room.

Yukio bowed his head, quickly beginning to clean up the mess he had made.

Miki turned to Tsukishima who busied himself with the picture frames on the wall. "Sorry about that dumbass. Come on."

"I'm not a dumbass!"

"Anyway," Miki rolled her eyes, leading Tsukishima down the narrow hall to her room at the very end. Her white door was decorated with a few stickers of Itachi and Sasuke.

"Oh, you're an anime nerd too?" Tsukishima questioned as his finger grazed along the sleek sticker that had been on her door for ages. "Typical."

"Shut up, Dino nerd." Miki muttered as she tossed her bag on her bed with a small huff. Pointing at her bed, she turned to Tsukishima, "You can leave your bag here. Dinner's probably already done."

Doing as told, he placed his bag on her bed then followed her out to the living room that was now clean and smelling like febreeze.

"Introductions." Yukio coughed 'subtly' as a way to remind Miki of the introductions that had yet to be done.

Rolling her eyes, she pointed at Tsukishima. "This is Tsukishima Kei, my partner I was talking about." Turning to Tsukishima, she pointed a finger at Yukio who grinned. "This is Yukio. I've lived with him since I was eight up until this year."

"Yo, nice to meet you, Tsukishima-san!" Yukio grinned as he bowed to Tsukishima, exuding a very warm and jubilant energy.

"Nice to meet you, Yukio-san." Tsukishima bower, quickly being pat on the shoulder by Yukio.

The older brunette male chuckled, "Just call me Yukio!" Turning away from the two, he began to set the table for dinner. "Was your trip over here pleasant? I hope it wasn't too troubling."

Miki gave Tsukishima a look, hinting that Yukio was talking to him. Before the blond could even ask her anything, she turned on her heels and walked off to help Etsuko in the kitchen.

"Ah, yeah, it was fine." Tsukishima answered awkwardly, feeling a bit out of place in this house. To be in a home full of people he didn't know was something he never would've thought he'd experience this early in life. Especially since it was a girl's family.

Yukio patted the floor beside him and smiled, "No need to be so formal. Just sit down and relax!"

Doing as told, the blond sat down on the floor as Miki and Etsuko filed in with the food. The females placed the food on the table before shouting loudly at the three younger males who soon came down the stairs.

"Kei-chan's eating with us?" Ryota asked with a beam as he quickly took a seat on the opposite side of the table.

"Um, that's fucking impolite-" Miki slapped Ryota's head, scolding him using Tsukishima's first name instead of last name.

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now