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[ third person ]


The class awkwardly watched as Tsukishima and Miki walked over to the front of the room, rooting their feet in front of the black board. They stood a strange distance apart, makin the tension grow thicker.

Everyone sweat dropped as Miki and Tsukishima made eye contact, glaring at each other blatantly. This is awkward.

"U-Uh, start whenever you're ready." The teacher said as they stood farther away from the two who were giving each other the dirtiest glares.

Miki cleared her throat, facing the classroom as she plastered a smile on her face. "I'm Kimura Miki and this is my partner-"

"Tsukishima Kei. I can speak for myself." The blond cut her off, throwing her a sharp look that made her lips slightly curl into a scowl.

Glaring a hole into his head, she then turned back to the class who avoided her eyes. In English, she spoke, "My partner Tsukishima was born on September 27th. He has an older brother, Akiteru, and his mother, Hitomi. His hobbies are reading, listening to music and s-"


Miki stopped for a second, glancing at Tsukishima who felt the need to scoff in the middle of her speech. "Is there something you want to say?"

"Oh, no, sorry!" He smiled thinly, giving her that same contemptuous smile she hadn't seen in a while. It gave her flashbacks of the time they first met. "Don't let a poor commoner like me distract you from your almighty speech, Milady. Since apparently I don't have a say in what you do."

The vein in her forehead pulsated with irritation at his words. "Stop being an asshat. Get over it."

He gave her a small smile, "I'm over it. What're you talking about?" The sound of his fake laughter made her taut jaw flex.

"You obviously aren't if you're being a little bitch about it!" Miki snapped as she pointed a finger at Tsukishima, growing more and more frustrated with his behavior.

"Me? What about you?" scoffed Tsukishima. "Acting like a bitch, listening to whatever Shinsato-senpai says all because of this stupid play. You might as well just date him already and officially become his little bitch."

Miki shook her head, scoffing out a laugh at his words. "That's rich coming from you. You know full well that I'm not doing this play because I want to. I am the Class Rep. Shut the fuck up about Shinsato-senpai. He's my upperclassmen so I'll listen to whatever he has to say, if it pertains to the play. I'm not becoming his bitch, you fucking asshat!"

"S-Sensei, should we stop them?" A student asked as they looked to the teacher who pretended they didn't see or hear anything. He really doesn't wanna step in, huh?

"Oh, you aren't? Sure doesn't seem like. Being at his beckon call like a damn servant." He rolled his eyes, shifting his weight to his other foot. "Is that really what a Class Rep does?"

Her eyes widened incredulously, "So you want to fucking talk about being at someone's beckon call? Do you not recall when you'd make me buy your damn drinks and lunch for you?"

"That's not what we're talking about though, are we?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at Miki who wanted to yank out her hair with frustration.

"Tsukishima, I'm not in the mood to fucking do this right now. Can you stop being a jealous little brat and do the presentation?" Miki barked, motioning to the class that awkwardly watched them argue.

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now