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[ third person ]


"I'm home." Tsukishima called as his eyes remained fixated on his feet. Upon hearing a small shuffle within the living room, his eyes darted up towards the noise. His eyes slightly widened when he saw Miki sitting on his couch with a panicked look on her face.

FUCK. IM NOT READY TO FACE HIM YET! As the female stood up, trying to dash for the door, Tsukishima simply stepped to the side and grabbed her by the wrist. FCUK-

"Tch. You're not going anywhere, you damned-" He cut himself short, not wanting to get any more irritated than he already was. Holding her wrist, he tugged her towards him as he turned on his heels. "Come on."

Miki looked to Akiteru for help, but found the male busy talking to someone on the phone. He made sure to give her a quick thumbs up before disappearing into kitchen to talk more privately.

The female didn't hesitate to flip off Aki's retreating figure when he didn't even bother to help her escape this situation. FCUK.

Tsukishima didn't say anything as he walked up the stairs, pulling Miki into his room and shutting the door behind them. He locked it, leaning against the door with crossed arms and a taut jaw. "Sit."

"What am I-" The female cut her snarky comment off when she saw the pointed look on his face. Compliantly, she sat down on his bed and bowed her head slightly. I'm gonna get scolded. (•̥́_•ૅू˳)

"Are you..feeling okay now?" Tsukishima's low voice asked before he sighed softly, blinking at Miki who was frozen.

"Sorry, am I what-"

Tsukishima cocked his head to the side without saying anything. Miki continued, "Ah, uh, y-yeah."

He rose a blond brow at her, taking in her speech behavior and body language. Based on how she appeared, he could tell she was not feeling all too okay. Her eyes refused to meet his, and her leg wouldn't stop bouncing anxiously.

"You know what," Tsukishima pushed off the door, walking over to his desk to grab his chair. He pushed it over to her and sat down in front of her, resting his elbows on the arm of the chair. "I don't know why you went off at me earlier, but I assume it's because of the video I took that's been going around the school."

When Miki slightly faltered upon hearing that, he knew his assumption was correct. A long sigh slipped past his lips while he leaned back in the chair, slumping in his seat.

"I'm annoyed with you because you went off at me in front of everyone then I got shit from the teachers for 'bullying' you." Tsukishima scoffed, lightening his tone when he saw her falter even more. "I thought you said you trusted me?"

Miki's head snapped up, meeting his eyes for a split second before she looked back down. " But you-"

"I'm the only one with the video? Yeah, I was." He muttered, rustling through his pocket to find his phone that was tucked away.

"Was?" Miki voiced out quietly, peering over at Tsukishima who unlocked his phone and flipped it around to show her.

He rolled his eyes lightly, "I deleted it like three weeks after I took it. It had no purpose." He explained effortless, not missing a beat as he spoke. "What was I gonna do? Keep it until you messed up badly? Tch, like you could ever do that, Ms. Perfect."

Though his words were intended to be a bit sharp, there was some underlying truth in it. He deleted it three weeks after taking the video since he and Miki had somewhat gotten close at the time. The boy no longer felt the need to keep it around since he was probably never going to blackmail her with it. What a nice guy.

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now