Chapter Two

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When the Asgardians arrived on Asgard, the Warriors Three and Lady Sif left Thor who made haste to reach his father's sleeping chambers where he arrived in time to witness Loki and Queen Frigga conversing until Thor stepped in, making their presence known. 

"Thor! Thank Odin you're safe." Queen Frigga exclaimed in relief to see her firstborn back on Asgard. 

Thor stared coldly at Loki for his treachery as he and Loki stared each other down while Queen Frigga watched from across the room. 

"Why don't you tell our mother, how you set the Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me!?" Thor snarled at the God of Mischief, bringing to light his deceit. 

"What?" Frigga muttered as the two circled Odin's bed. 

"Oh, I might have enforced father's last command." Loki spoke innocently as he held his sceptre tightly. 

Thor sneered at him and shook his head. "You're a talented liar, brother, always have been." 

"It's good to have you back," said Loki, dishonestly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to destroy Jotunheim." 

Pointing his sceptre at Thor, he charged a blast which knocked Thor out of the room. Without a moment to waste, Loki fled out of Odin's chamber and ran through the city before finding a horse to mount and rode across the Rainbow Bridge to activate the Bifrost and destroy Jotunheim until Thor flew in to intervene and witnessed the lightning that shot out from the sword embedded in its place as a frost encased the lightning. The duel went on for a good twenty or so minutes until Thor managed to gain the upper hand, thus pinning Loki with his hammer as he thought about how to destroy the Bifrost. 

"Look at you," Loki sneered. "The mighty Thor. With all your strength, and what good does it do you, now?! Do you hear me, brother?! There's nothing you can do!" 

Summoning his hammer, Thor began to slam it down on the bridge, knowing he would let down Jane Foster in order to save the Nine Realms. 

"What are you doing...? IF YOU DESTROY THE BRIDGE, YOU'LL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN!!" Loki shouted so he could be heard as the Bifrost's power became unstable. 

The bridge blew up, knocking the two men back as the Bifrost entered a chain of explosions. At their descent, Thor grabbed Loki by his sceptre, and by a surprise, Odin was able to take ahold of his son's leg. As Loki hung at the edge above the abyss, he spoke to Odin in a way that made him seem desperate to be loved as Thor's equal and Odin's son. 

"I could have done it, father! I could have done it! For you! For all of us!" Loki cried. 

"No, Loki." Odin muttered. 

Loki then realised his place and let go just as the abyss closed, leaving Thor to mourn as Thor being announced king was postponed knowing that Thor wanted more time before he decided on whether he wanted to become king or not. 

November 24th, 2014

Ever sine his return to Midgard, (Y/n) toured war-torn countries to witness the change he had missed out on after five thousand years. From being a mage who was an outcast amongst society to a respected individual as one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes was change for no-one except (Y/n) as he felt it was a mere title to grant him the same amount of respect by those whom he fought with and allied himself with against the Outriders of Kinross. 

Spending much time with the God of Mischief and Odin's wife finally came to use as (Y/n) could remain incognito as he watched people famish and reside in poverty when two Jeeps drove along through the main street of Croatia's capital, Zagreb, where the men inside the vehicle were armed with full-auto assault rifles. 

"Makni mi se s puta! Move out of the way!" One of the men shouted at an elderly woman crossing the road. 

"Hydra. They'll know where Loki's sceptre should be. After what happened in Washington, S.H.I.E.L.D could've delivered it here." (Y/n) whispered to himself upon recognising the crest on one of the men's shoulder pads. 

(Y/n) proceeded to stalk the Hydra soldiers driving through by moving into a jog as he kept on the fresh trail for him to follow out of the city far out into the country-side. It was there that the weather began to change like something was creating a chilly feel to the abandoned village (Y/n) approached. (Y/n) looked around the village for any signs of a secret entrance or door. Nearby, a dog wandered around the village. It perplexed him as the dog scampered towards a hut and vanished completely. It was there that (Y/n) discovered an open hatch door providing a staircase down to a dark corridor with three singular lights shining down the dimly lit corridor with missing posters in view under the light reporting missing person. 

A sudden scream echoed through the hall. A cry of pain. Slowly, the sorcerer tread down the corridor as he passed under the first light and noticed a corner. The screaming became louder as he walked down to the corner, (Y/n) laid his eyes on a single room with ripped bloody clothing lying on the floor. As he drew closer, he noticed that the dog he spotted was in the cell sitting in a corner, feasting on a bone. A screen switched on within the cell, facing (Y/n) as a bald man with a monocle came into view for him to see. 

"Apologies for disappointing you, Herr Thatch. But what you thought you would find has led you into a trap," said the bald man. "You are an interesting specimen. I look forward to meeting you. But for now, I will not allow you to find the sceptre." 

The television switched off and the door to the cell opened up. Knowing it could be a trap, (Y/n) entered regardless to investigate the clothes and the bone. (Y/n) knelt down on one knee and examined the clothes. 

"These are girls clothes. Size... fourteen, initials say M.W. Goddamn... Poor kid. Clothes and buttons are ripped off... Blood on the lower back with a slit three centimetres vertical. Goddamn animal! Who could have done this?!" (Y/n) pondered his thoughts aloud. 

Slowly, (Y/n) turned his head around so he was looking at the dog chewing on the bone and noticed a half-torn shoe with Hello Kitty plastered all over it in pink, black and white. (Y/n) sat on his bottom, cross-legged and meditate, using his energy to decipher exactly what happened and who performed the heinous crime. His breathing became heavy, his concentration waning until he found a terrible history from the clothes that he could read like a book. It was enough to make him storm out of the cell and back down the hall until he was back on the surface when multiple guns cocked and three bright lights shone at (Y/n), rendering him blind when something pinched his neck that quickly rendered him unconscious. 

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