Part Eight

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After (Y/n) had fun cutting and slicing Ultron's clones, all the heroes gathered by the church where the drill was as the SHIELD agents aboard Nick Fury's Helicarrier where the citizens of Sokovia were being boarded safely on rafts. It was there that the Avengers quickly gathered by the drill to defend it when Ultron Prime faced them off as he was most anxious to activate the drill and begin total human annihilation. 

"IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?!" Thor boomed at Ultron Prime. 

Ultron waved his hand up, calling for his forces to gather behind him. "This is exactly what I wanted: all of you, against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" 

"Like the old man said... together," said Tony. 

Together, the heroes fought valiantly as they defended the core from almost all of the clones. The fight was vaguely familiar to (Y/n) as a long time ago, he recalled being surrounded by a hundred rogue Celtic warriors whose prime objective was to kill a singular diplomat who'd bring peace between the Gaelic warriors and the English. The only difference there was that it was to defend a drill, a floating city. Once all of the clones were taken care of and Ultron was bested in the fight, the heroes abandoned the drill to ensure all civilians made it onto the rafts safely. 

"Wait, who'll defend the drill?" Someone asked, directing their question towards the heroes that surrounded the doomsday device. 

Both Wanda and (Y/n) contributed to defend the drill which surprised each other at their volunteering in unison with one another. Once the others were gone, (Y/n) casted a protective shield around the drill and sighed as he sat down on a step and glanced at Wanda before patting the space next to him, gesturing her to join him. Both were uncomfortable being in one another's company after what (Y/n) said earlier last they were alone. 

"So, uh... what, what are you doing after all of this?" (Y/n) asked shyly as he did his best to avoid eye contact with Wanda. 

"I do not know." She answered unsurely, conflicted with just what she and her brother will do as her home was flying and on the brink of destruction. 

"E-Ever been on a flying city before?" (Y/n) asked randomly and cursed himself and muttered under his breath, "What kind of a question is that?!" 

"N-No, I have not. Have you?" 

"Not a floating city, that's for sure. A ship, yeah. This is all relatively new to me, after all." 

A robot charged at the two directly while another tried to sneak up behind them. The robot behind them failed to activate the core as the shield obliterated the first one while the other received an axe to its head. 

"That was impressive." Wanda praised (Y/n). 

(Y/n) nodded her way with a smile. "Thanks. You can go find your brother if you want. I can take care of things here." 

"No. I will stay. It's my job." 

"I heard you the first time. But it's better that you two get out of here while you can. It's better this way. I mean, if you want to stay, then by all means. You're always welcome, Wanda." 

Wanda smiled bashfully at him and bowed her head. "T-T-Thank you, (Y/n)." 

It was there that Wanda took her leave without a second's thought to find her brother. She instantly regretted her decision but continued to act on it as she made her way towards the rafts when she spotted Clint holding a child in his arms, using himself as a human shield. Using her magic, Wanda casted a shield towards the two as a barrage of gunfire quickly shot towards them. Her heart stopped beating in anticipation of her magic reaching Clint in time. 

Instead of hitting Clint and the boy, her magic collided with a car that blocked the bullets as all she saw was a purple blur. As the dust settled, she noticed Clint and the boy looking at someone out of her sight as she sprinted towards her friend. It was there that she identified (Y/n) standing before them with Pietro beside him. To her relief, she threw herself at her brother and embraced him in a hug for reassurance of his safety. The Hulk roared before it leapt out onto the Quinjet while the others made their way on the rafts just as the crater dropped, making a quick descent down to the Earth. 

While Thor and Tony worked to destroy the crater before it could destroy the planet, the last raft flew onto the Helicarrier and was taken to safety as the twins witnessed their city's destruction. The surviving Sokovians were taken to what remained of their beloved city where the government would fund its reconstruction while the people were hospitalised and let free a short time later. 

"Good to see you're still with us, Speedy Gonzales. Will you both stay?" (Y/n) addressed Pietro, then his sister included. 

As the two were being treated for their injuries, (Y/n) kept them company so to not let them feel afraid or alone. Last time they were under doctor care, it was when Hydra administered them to their newfound abilities. One of whom was Doctor Cho, the woman who almost died back in South Korea when Ultron created Vision's body. 

"Perhaps." Pietro answered as his left bicep was stitched. "Is not so bad." 

"We'll take good care of you. I promise you that. Nobody's gonna take you away or arrest you or anything of the sort. You're one of us now." (Y/n) assured them. 

Wanda flinched and whimpered as a cut above her left eyebrow stung with disinfectant. As he himself was checked for his injuries, it amazed the medical staff at how he was able to heal himself by drinking alcohol. Once the Sokovians were safely delivered back on safe land, the heroes were taken to a New Avengers facility in upper New York. 

May 7th, 2015 

The Avengers were toured of the new facility just for them. Both Wanda and Pietro were quickly getting accustomed to their new living arrangements, both of whom were living in rooms next to each other as sleeping in the same room together seemed weird, but understandable that the two would have nightmares of their time in Baron von Strucker's Research Facility. It took them a while to get over their despisal of Tony Stark, but would grow accustomed to his antics. In the meantime, Thor would take his leave to discover all that he could about the remaining five Infinity Stones. 

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