Chapter Five

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The young sorceress didn't expect to find herself so sore with a minor headache throbbing in the side of her head - the feeling of a vein that was on the brink of bursting - as she found herself lying in a comfortable bed that felt familiar except the absence of her beloved (Y/n) Thatch. Wanda threw her legs over the side of the bed and felt the coldness of the floor prick her bare feet as the bed dipped before being restored when she sat up and slipped pink furry slippers onto her feet. 

The room was exactly like the one she once imagined her dream home would be, whereas there were more than the usual set of clothes Wanda always wore. A set of women's clothes and some that were't particularly suited for her to wear as she dragged her feet along the floor towards the bedroom door which had a brown dressing gown hanging from a hook in between the door frame and the door itself. 

Equipping the gown, Wanda slid it comfortably on herself and threw her hair from underneath the gown and exited the room to investigate what fantasy land she was in. Music swayed in another room, exciting Wanda to which she crept to the source of the noise and noticed a stranger with their back to her cooking breakfast. Eggs sizzled and bacon popped as the stranger jigged and swayed to the song that was playing in reference to the time period which it was most popular. 

"... There's no use denying
I Might as well confess
Of all the boys I know, dear
I'm sure I love you best

The little bird told me we'd be happy
And I believe that it's true
A little bird told me we'd be married
And I believe that it's true

This little bird told me when we marry
We'll have a pretty cottage
Not too far
All fenced in like a movie stars

We'll have a great dane pup
We'll call him Ace
Lying there by the fireplace
A goldfish pond and a wishing well
Everything is gonna turn out swell..." 

To her surprise, Wanda realised just who was treating her to a delicious meal to wake up to as she raised a hand up to her mouth, a gasp slipping out as the stranger turned around to face her, lazing wearing a suit with the top two buttons undone, the tie loosened around their neck with their shirt hanging out of their pants. 

"Bună dimineaţa, iubirea mea. În sfârşit te-ai trezit. Ai dormit bine noaptea trecută, porumbelule? Good morning my love. You're finally awake. Good sleep last night, dove?" A man spoke sweetly to the witch as tears threatened to fall. 

"(Y/n)... Eu, eu... Chiar eşti aici... (Y/n)... I, I... you're really here..." Wanda spoke fluently in her native tongue as her voice let out a slight tremble. 

The (h/c) man inn the house they lived in ceased cooking but allowed his powers to ensure the food didn't burn as he approached Wanda and pulled her into a hug. Wanda broke down and sobbed in his chest as he gently rubbed the back of her head to soothe her worries. 

"Come, love. Have something to eat to make you feel better." (Y/n) cooed as he led his wife to the dinner table and served the food two minutes later. 

Wanda sat adjacent to (Y/n) as he levitated two dishes of bacon and eggs as well as two pairs of knives and forks to the table. Wiping her tears away, she composed herself and accepted her meal and ate in silence. 

"A penny for your thoughts? What bothers you, my love?" (Y/n) cooed to his love and placed his fork on the table and reached his hand out to plant it down on Wanda's. 

Wanda shook her head and laughed nervously. "It's nothing." 

"Honey, I've got me a bullshit detector. I don't ever need to use it on you because we don't keep secrets from each other. You said so yourself. I trained individuals to fight, to hold a sword, to shoot a bow and arrow, to fire a goddamn cannon. So forgive me for saying, but I don't ever want to hear bullshit from you. Ever. We're innocent with each other. Never guilty." 

When he spoke, she was certainly startled the second he rose his voice at her. Upon realising how rowdy he was behaving, (Y/n) immediately apologised and sighed heavily as he bowed his head. 

Wanda pursed her lips and looked down at her plate. "You're right. I had another... nightmare." 


Upon saying his name, Wanda tensed and looked directly into his eyes and nodded. (Y/n) smiled, chuckling a bit as he bit his bottom lip and polished his mouth with a napkin as when he stabbed the egg with his fork and sliced a good portion of it through the yolk, viscus as it flowed out onto the white plate. Wanda found it rather peculiar as to how he held the knife and fork as well as how he fed himself the slice of egg placed on top of the bit of bacon that he placed into his mouth and chewed. 

"He was a long, long time ago, Wan. We don't need to remember him. All you need to know is that I am here, now. Having breakfast with the most beautiful woman in the world." (Y/n) purred as he stroked Wanda's cheek. 

The back door in the kitchen opened up as a puppy came running in, tail waggling joyously as a little blonde boy ran along and hopped onto his mother's lap. Wanda acted casually as she held the boy tightly in her arms as she felt some comfort with how she held the boy in her arms. 

"Hey! Hey, you." Wanda giggled as the little boy called her 'mama'. 

"Welcome home, Wanda," said (Y/n), which brought joy to her heart. 

Outside of Wanda's dreamland, some of her closest friends had gathered at the end of her bed to check on her condition. Unfortunately, nobody knew what exactly caused her to fall into a coma, but everyone had a strong idea that her being a fragile cannon had finally caused her to shatter. 

"She's been like this for nearly a month, now," said Steve as he stifled a whimper at seeing her friend lie so peacefully in a bed having her heartbeat monitored as well as ensuring her condition was stable. 

Natasha sat in a chair beside Wanda's bed, her hand holding onto Wanda's cold, pale hand. "We can't bring (Y/n) back. Thanos did exactly what he said he was gonna do. And there's no way she's coming back. Maybe... we should just--" 

"I'm not giving up on her! I never have, I never will. She's my friend." 

"What would Pietro think? Would he want her to, to suffer like this?" Natasha argued as she jumped up to her feet, on the brink of tears. 

"We can't find him, Nat. He's gone too. Nobody's seen him since... you know. She lost everything, the poor kid." 

"Yeah, but what about Thor? He lost his home, his parents, his brother - more than once - his sister, his best friend." 

"Yeah, and Wanda lost the love of her life twice, brother, country; killed innocent people, went through hell to kill the Avengers, sided with a genocidal robot. Lotta guilt goin' around." 

Both Steve and Natasha fell silent as they contemplated doing what was best for Wanda. Steve didn't have the heart to do it, but all Natasha wanted was to ease her suffering. All they had to do was wait for a way to fix everything. But it seemed that they couldn't. 

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