Part Seven

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Two hours after the events that transpired in Wakanda, those that remained were evacuated out of Wakanda back to the New Avengers estate in upstate New York to pile up a census on how many lives were approximately lost, including those whom the heroes witnessed after their fight with Thanos to protect Vision, who was now an achromatic corpse in Wakanda's labs. 

"Where is he, Rogers? Where the hell is my husband?" Wanda harassed her superior as rage and suffering motivated her to act excitedly in a manner so intoxicating that it broke her down from the inside, out. 

This was the first time Wanda had ever addressed Steve by his last name. Only a certain people called him by his last name, whereas one he knew was still alive to call him Rogers as Captain certainly didn't have such a fitting part in the endgame they were all in now. Everyone was broken by failure at how they could not stop Thanos from snapping their friends from existence. More so, it boiled Wanda to her soul that Thanos got away with it despite (Y/n) having plenty of experience with the Mad Titan, until this genocidal mission was accomplished five thousand years too late. 

"We don't know. Whatever Thanos did, he wiped out a lot of people. We're still taking a census, but whatever happened to (Y/n) and the others has got to have a chance at being revived if we can find out where Thanos has gone. Thor doesn't know. And Tony's still missing, probably dead. Our only lead is dead, Wanda. This isn't easy as you'd think." Steve replied grouchily. 

"Let me talk to him. Let me find out what I can," Wanda said persistently. 

"He won't budge, Wanda. Give him some time." 

"Which is something we don't have much of if we don't find Thalke--" 

" 'Thalke'? You're talking like him now." 

Wanda clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as she relinquished her anger and acted rationally as behaving rebelliously would get her nowhere unless she cooperated with everyone else. Thor sat idly in the garden of the estate, watching the sun set as the air became cooler and cooler which awfully reminded Thor of Loki's body after Thanos strangled him to death. 

Failure and bitterness was going around everyone who failed to stop Thanos, which was where Wanda decided to join him and sat on the bench the God of Thunder and Lighting was sitting on as he was hunched over, mentally swearing to kill Thanos if it meant redeeming himself for allowing his friends to perish due to his pride and selfishness. 

"Hey," Wanda spoke casually as she sat beside Thor and held her hands. 

Thor refused to speak as he simply glanced at the redhead and faced forward at the hill that sloped downwards towards a lake. 

"(Y/n) was your friend. I guess you could say you knew him better than me. He spent a long time with you on Asgard with you and your people. I only knew him for a few years and suddenly I no longer feel that I'm the only one who knew him best. What was he like, when you first met him?" 

"He was admirable. Truly, the bravest man I've met in a long time. Loved by those whom he appraised for his great victories in combat and in the arena. Clearly, he had both strength and intellect in besting some of the most talented fighters in Asgard, but could he succeed me? No." Thor finally spoke, almost giving a fake smile to please Wanda despite her knowing he had much more to say. 

"I can tell you have much to get off your chest. I did not know your brother, but, everyone says he is a monster, a psychopathic madman. But... (Y/n) simply said otherwise." 

Thor looked at the witch intriguingly as he sat up straight and crossed his arms while she simply stared at the sunset. 

"(Y/n) told me of how much he admired you and Loki; how he had infinite respect for you and the, Warriors Three and someone called Sif. We all wish we could've done things differently, but the past is the past. You can't change that. But one thing (Y/n) wished he could've done was be there for you when you... lost your mother and your brother." 

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