Part Three

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January 2nd, 2015 

(Y/n) rested lazily in the corner of his cell, staring blankly at the floor between his legs, thinking heavily about his faith in the Avengers in liberating him from the Research Base. (Y/n) was a mess. His hair was as long as Thor's but in the colour of (h/c). He was this way because he was sick of being contained for this long. It felt very inhumane for someone to be wearing a collar, to be forced to do things he doesn't want to - but does so regardless - and for the fact that everyone, excluding the hunchback, hated his guts. 

The Twins rested heavily on his mind, despite him trying to hide it from the woman's mind. Reading abilities compared exactly to his. The only question on everyone's minds was how (Y/n) was able to prolong his life and temporarily pause his aging. When (Y/n) was forced to tell Hydra about Asgard and his history and powers, this unlocked new possibilities for Hydra to expand its operations to take over the Nine Realms, but the only thing in their was was the Avengers who would sooner or later discover (Y/n)'s location and rescue him and liberate Sokovia from Hydra's tyranny. 

April 15th, 2015 

The Twins resided in their favourite corner within Hydra's research lab where their cells were as well as (Y/n)'s as they both planned on making their escape long before the Avengers showed up on Hydra's doorstep to begin a full frontal assault. Only then, did the Twins find their chance to eliminate Tony Stark for the pain and suffering he caused them. 

An alarm blared as an assault was underway which led to the whole Research Base to prepare their defences and wipe their hard drives of any valuable information they were not willing to be handed over to the Avengers who'd come to take over and rescue their teammate. As Hydra's leader waited anxiously for the Avengers to arrive within the castle, it was there that (Y/n) got excited and rose up from his bed roll to watch the people in the room wipe the computers clean. 

"We will not yield! The Americans sent their circus freaks to test us. But, with one of their allies providing crucial assistance to my research, we shall begin hibernation. We will not yield! We will send them back in bags. No surrender! Hail Hydra!" The leader shouted to increase morale. 

"No surrender! Hail Hydra!" The soldiers in the room chanted back. 

(Y/n) waited for a moment more, his heart racing in his chest as he produced a paperclip from his mouth and used it to crack the power dampener collar when he noticed the female twin sneak away unnoticed whereas a blue blur sped past her. Once the shield generator was destroyed, Tony Stark flew into the base and found himself in the exact room (Y/n) was in and used his repulsor to non-lethally knock out the man attempting to wipe the remaining drives before shooting the lock that contained (Y/n). 

"You came," (Y/n) sighed in relief when Tony ripped the collar from his neck. "I thought you'd forgotten about me." 

"Not you kid." Tony said sternly and patted his shoulder before leaving his suit which he put on sentry mode and surveyed the room. 

With what intel Tony could gather, (Y/n) watched him as he had his suit scan for an irregularity in the west wall. It opened up to a secret corridor that led the two to Stucker's secret laboratory which contained a skeleton of a Chitauri whale inside. Loki's sceptre came into view, from where (Y/n) noticed Tony's irregular behaviour. As he gazed at his eyes, he noticed them just fade from red to its natural colour. 

Before (Y/n) could say anything, Tony found himself back in reality and looked around to find his place before he went and took the sceptre before bringing it and (Y/n) with him back to the Quinjet to reunite with his friends. On the flight back to New York, the spy and super soldier checked up on the archer while Thor and (Y/n) stood at the back, examining Loki's sceptre. 

"Are you well, brother (Y/n)?" Thor asked softly but in a heavy voice. 

"Hm? Yeah, yeah. I just... last time I laid on this, it was when we were on the Rainbow Bridge sparing Jotunheim from destruction, well... what's left of it, that is." (Y/n) responded drearily, his mind in another place. "And how do you fare?" 

Thor faked a smile and crossed his arms. "Fine. I, uh... Asgard misses you. It's been too long since you were there last." 

"And how is the king and queen? Is the Allfather well? I understand things have been tough since Loki, y-you know... After New York, I feel like he's putting on a mere performance." 


"You and I both know Loki's nature of lies and trickery. But when Loki vanished for a year, that gave him plenty of time to have access to a grand army of diabolical monstrosities. You and I both know how convincing he can be. But I feel doubt that he could convince whoever implanted the equipment in the Chitauri to have them run under his command." 

"Don't be ridiculous, (Y/n). Loki is cunning as he is resourceful. Look how he convinced Laufey to enter Asgard to kill father, only to claim the glory for himself." 

"But what's stopping you from guessing there was someone else involved? Surely there must've been someone else helping. Have you seen the advanced technology the Chitauri had on them? Whoever Loki's working for must either have been very convincing or threatening to bring him aboard." 

"Who? Who could possibly threaten my brother?" 

(Y/n) gritted his teeth and shook his head unsurely. 

"I don't know, Thor, but I--" 

"Coming on the tower now," said the female redhead now piloting the ship. 

Once they landed, the archer was rolled out on a stretched to be tended to by the doctors stationed in the tower while Tony and the Green Behemoth's alias Dr Bruce Banner would study the sceptre. 

May 2nd, 2015 

It wasn't (Y/n)'s intention to party with his allies over claiming the sceptre and capturing Baron Strucker. Instead, he resided on his floor of the tower going over everything he could find about the Twins in Sokovia with his high-level clearance. It was there that the sorcerer could read every personal information about the Twins. But what made him most curious was what they knew about him and what lies they were told about his nature. 

"Sokovia. Stark Technology bombed their house, orphaned and homeless. They blame Tony. That's why they signed up! But how can they get to us now, if Strucker's dead? They have their powers. No way they'll get to us. No way!" (Y/n) spoke to himself, conflicted with the Twins' motives for revenge. "Why is she so familiar? Why is she so... They're so unique... so alike... It can't be her. She never recognised me. No. There's only one way to find out of its her or not. I gotta go to Sokovia." 

(Y/n) kept his search open in case anything went wrong when he arrived in Sokovia via teleportation. The only risk was that (Y/n) hadn't done such a thing in five thousand years, so either the teleportation would be a success or he would wind up in outer space or within an active volcano. Regardless, he took the risk and meditated to channel his focus. The teleportation came at a success as (Y/n) had found himself within the bedroom of a young girl's bedroom that startled the girl to scream. (Y/n) quickly rolled up the girl's window and threw himself out of the house before dashing towards an alleyway that led him directly into the city of Sokovia. He just had one problem. Where to find them? 

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