Chapter Six

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May 6th, 2015

"Oh fuck," (Y/n) cursed. 

Everyone in the room furrowed their brows in confusion at (Y/n)'s shocked expression when suddenly (Y/n) realised that he was indeed back in the past, but with the recollection of the future's events. Even though one fool who'd been given this opportunity would alter the timeline to suit their benefits, it was (Y/n) instead who'd been assigned to save the planet from the being called Galactus. So, in order to assume nothing was wrong (Y/n) put on an act and smiled falsely at everyone in the room. 

"Did I leave the stove on?" (Y/n) asked rhetorically. "As a recommendation... Don't ever try jump off a bullet train going a hundred and forty miles an hour before teleporting through a glass window." 

"What were you doing on a train?" Tony asked curiously. 

"Uh, catering for the Polar Express. No. I found Natasha. She's in Sokovia, and we'd better hustle if we're going to stop Ultron from levelling the planet." 

"How do you know that?" Steve asked skeptically. 

(Y/n) looked at Steve with raised eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders. "I've been around, snooping around the old research base back in Sokovia. Turns out, Ultron's made hundreds of Mini Me's, so..." 

Steve then looked back at the Vision and asked if he was on their side so to distinguish friend from foe, but (Y/n) already knew what was going to happen. 

"I am on the side of life," said the android. "Ultron isn't. He will end it all. I don't want to kill Ultron - he's unique, and in pain." 

"I'm telling you now, if we don't hurry up, somebody's gonna be emotionally pained by how slow we all are." (Y/n) quipped. 

The Vision ignored (Y/n) and continued speaking. "That pain will roll over the Earth. So, he must be destroyed. Everything he's built, every trace of his presence on the internet... We have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the other. Maybe I am a monster? I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are. And not what you intended. So there may be no way for you to trust me, but we need to go." 

The Vision retrieved Thor's hammer and offered it to him, leaving everyone but Pietro and Wanda gobsmacked of how the Vision could be worthy to wield Mjolnir. When Thor took his hammer back, the Vision walked off quickly as (Y/n) made off to gather what he needed for the mission ahead after Steve told everyone to prepare. Wanda followed quickly behind (Y/n), leaving her brother to walk ahead of Clint so she could converse with him about something on her mind. 

(Y/n) stood outside his locker and retrieved a letter from his Willow. He was unaware of the brunette standing beside him, peering at the letter until she asked who wrote it. (Y/n) was startled by her presence as he'd forgotten that she snuck up on him once already. 

"A letter. F-From someone very dear to me. I'd try to explain it but we'd be here till next Wednesday." (Y/n) answered shyly. 

"May I?" She asked politely. 

(Y/n) nodded confidently and handed Wanda the letter for her to read more closely. The delicacy of her fingers discovered the unequity of the letter that had been written centuries ago by someone identical to her. 

Once Wanda finished reading, she handed the letter back to him and said, "You really think you're cursed to be here?" 

(Y/n) stared long and hard at her and shook his head. "No. For I believe now, that I had been brought here to fulfill a purpose." 

"What would that be?" She purred, her hand going up to his arm unknowingly. 

"To risk my life for trillions of others. Even that of my future wife and son." (Y/n) frowned. 

"There could be another way." 

"No. There's no time. I've already lost two past lovers. I can't lose a third." 

Wanda creased her forehead at him, her eyebrows scrunched together as she raised her hand up with his permission and looked into his mind. (Y/n) entrusted her to witness his thoughts until she had enough and pulled away. 

"You, poor... deluded man." She gasped. "I, I don't want that... I don't want your future... I don't want your suffering." 

"Wanda..." (Y/n) trailed off. 

"No. I do not want any part in this." 

"I understand it's much to take in, but you and I... we're destined for each other." 

Slowly, Wanda backed away in trauma of seeing her future and everything that she would eventually come to bear, only now, there was a momentary delay. Wanda scurried off with her brother following after her as everyone waited to assemble on the jet. Clint walked up to (Y/n) and placed his hand on his shoulder. 

"You good, kid?" Clint asked caringly. 

"Yeah, man. We're good." (Y/n) lied. 

The two made off to the Quinjet where everyone would have gathered to fly off to Sokovia. (Y/n), however, had assured everyone that he would meet them there by teleporting all the way to the war-torn city to begin the evacuation ahead of everyone else. 

While it was still dark out, many citizens stared fearfully at (Y/n) when he appeared out of thin air before he conjured his magic and hypnotised as many as he could to leave the city. Without realising of his presence, Ultron remained acutely aware of the Avengers' imminent arrival before he had to put his plans in motion which would carry out exactly as (Y/n) remembered, only this time, two would have to be taken out of the equation to ensure the galaxy did not fall to its demise as it did in the future. 

(Y/n) was able to evacuate many Sokovians before the Avengers finally arrived in early morning where they all found (Y/n) struggling to maintain his concentration to reach out to the minds of the civilians that were about to be caught up in the battle ahead. Wanda stood mesmerised by his dedication to his job, though she still could not get out of her head her fate which still haunted her. Everyone was assigned to help evacuate the city, but it wouldn't be long before Ultron's forces rose up to combat the heroes so Ultron Prime could raise the city out of the Earth to create his crater that would devastate the planet to extinction. 

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