Part Two

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Desperation fell upon Thor as he shot his hand out, summoning his axe but his idea quickly turned against him as the Mad Titan latched his hand onto it and taunted Thor as he slowly pressed it into the centre of his chest with a twisted smile on his face. Unbeknownst to Thanos, Steve had finally called upon Mjolnir to even his fight with the bloodthirsty Titan, but unfortunately for the great Captain America, Thanos' rage enabled him to quickly retaliate, leaving only Steve to stand against Thanos and his army which assembled behind him to lay waste to Earth.

"In all my years of conquest, and violence... and slaughter. It was never personal. But I tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet... I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much." Thanos mocked Steve as he had his whole army await his order.

Out of nowhere, the scarlet witch landed beside the captain and stared at the armada behind the man who killed her husband. Revenge plagued her mind as she swore to kill Thanos if it was the last thing she would ever do. Behind them, a portal opened where three silhouettes walked out to meet them. Two women walked alongside a man in the middle. Once they became clearer, it was revealed that King T'Challa, Shuri and Okoye had arrived to help even the odds.

Through that same portal, Sam Wilson flew out and about as more portals opened up, calling upon the Asgardian army, wizards, Ravagers, Wakandans and pirates. With their army assembled, Steve called upon Mjolnir and called for every hero to assemble and prepare for a charge when Thor and T'Challa screamed and followed their allies against Thanos' when a cannonball was fired in a straight line between both armies, causing everyone to stop momentarily to see who'd fired the cannonball.

A deep horn was blown to signal everyone to wait as battle drums produced loud banging and percussion sounds as an army of Gaelic warriors gathered on the top of the hills overlooking the battle in the valley below them where they all witnessed two armies already about to clash. The Gaelic warriors all yelled and cheered as they raised their weapons high in accordance to the battle in which they were about to join. Bagpipes also added to the flurry as many began to chant when suddenly a row of fire arrows were produced.

On the leader of the warriors' call, those equipped with bow and arrows fired into the air directed at the alien armada which struck many opponents as the assault resumed with everyone advancing on each other - the Gaelic's had plenty of experience duelling with Thanos' army as in (Y/n)'s previous life, his allies from that timeline were transported to the future to assist in slaying the alien invaders.

In the struggle to get the gauntlet to the van on the other side of the battlefield, the heroes passed on the gauntlet to each other while Wanda hunted down Thanos to exact her revenge. The witch landed thirty meters away from Thanos as she'd put herself in his way from gaining the gauntlet as she stared daggers at him.

"You took, everything from me!" Wanda hissed.

"I don't even know who you are." Thanos replied.

"You will."

Wanda magically lifted two boulders of debris and threw it at Thanos before she used her magic to pitch energy balls at him to keep him focused on her when suddenly he heaved his sword down on her. She was barely able to keep him back as she noticed her magic crack through his sword. Now knowing she was in full control, Wanda retaliated strongly by applying a strong uppercut that not only knocked Thanos' sword out of his hand, but also shattered the broken end of it as she grabbed ahold of him and raised him upwards, slowly crushing him as she removed his armour.

"RAIN FIRE!!" Thanos shouted at his lieutenant.

"But sire! Our troops!" One of his Children cried back.

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