Part One

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November 27th, 2023 

The fantasy of Wanda Maximoff was greatly powerful as her pocket universe was made to suppress her from unleashing the great power within her. Deep down, she knew something wasn't right, but she played along as she so deeply desired to be with her family in her dreamland. Though five years had passed since Thanos wiped out half of all life from the universe, it still remained that there was a chance to undo everything Thanos had done. 

With the help of Scott Lang and Bruce Banner, the Avengers were able to perform tests in hopes of perfecting time travel in order to gain the advantage of acquiring the Infinity Stones from the past. In the meantime, those who'd disbanded were called to reassemble to complete a time heist. The only issue was convincing Thor to return. 

"... something died in here," said Rocket as he and Bruce were sent to New Asgard to convince the God of Thunder to accompany them back to the estate. 

"Anybody home?! Thor?!" Bruce bellowed. 

"Ahh, you here about the cable?" A deep voice bellowed as Thor appeared fat, sluggish and lazy as he inquired to know if his visitors had come to fix problems he could not. 


"Boys! Oh my Gods! Oh my Gods, its so good to see you! Ahh, come here you little rascal!" Thor boomed as he introduced Korg and Miek who were playing Fortnite. 

"Are you alright?" Bruce asked concerningly. 

"Yes, I feel fine. Why? D-D-D-Don't I look alright?" 

"You look like melted ice-cream." Rockey jested. 

Thor wheezed and chuckled. "So, what's up?" 

"We need your help," said Bruce. "There might be a chance to fix... everything." 

"Ah, the cable? That's been driving me bananas for weeks." Thor belched. 


Thor's smile quickly faded as he quickly re-entered his depressionalt state. Nobody said anything as Thor grabbed Bruce's shirt and pointed his index finger at him. 

"Don't... say that, name," Thor choked as he struggled to avoid crying. 

Bruce grabbed Thor's hand and squeezed tightly to remove his hand and said, "Please take your hand off me." 

Thor became sensitive on the subject and took some beer for himself as he drank his sorrows away. His rage and despair was not something gone unconsidered as everybody was afraid of Thanos. At least there was promise of bear to quench his unending thirst. But more so that he was keen to visit the wife of his best friend to gaze upon his failure. 

After Clint's return from his rogue behaviour in slaughtering criminals in Japan, seeing the woman whom he saw as his own daughter lie unconsciously in the medical wing in slumber. Losing his wife and children was enough to drive him to murder, but seeing Wanda so helpless and in deep slumber made him want to cry. Clint stood beside Wanda's bed and stroked the side of her head, pulling strands of hair behind her ear as he could feel (Y/n)'s absence where he sat before he made off to examine what testing Scott and the others were doing with the Pym Particles he'd brought to assist in the time heist, where he would witness first-hand time travel. 

November 28th, 2023 

"Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends, we lost family; we lost a part of ourselves. Today, we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the Stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck." Steve spoke confidently as he inspired his team before the heist commenced. 

A minute passed whereas for the Avengers, it was an hour for most. But by the time everyone had returned, there was a vacancy between Steve and Clint, who was the one that wished it was him instead of her. As for for Wanda, she had gone through seven years within her fantasy with (Y/n) and their son - she lived the American dream in a world where enhanced individuals like her and (Y/n) were highly looked upon: heroes praised and superiors compared to those who had great authority over people's lives such as Secretary Ross were put in the slammer to suffer like she had - until something inside her rebelled against her fantasy. 

Elsewhere, in the lab of the Avengers estate, Tony, Rocket and Bruce all concentrated intensely to forming a gauntlet out of nano-tech to be used to contain the Stones' power. Hours would come to pass after the heroes held a funeral for Natasha due to her sacrifice.  

"Alright, the glove's ready. Question is: who's gonna snap their frickin' fingers?" Rocket announced as he brought to everyone's attention to the deadly use of the gauntlet. 

"I'll do it," Thor said quickly. 

Everyone disagreed and had him stand down so to get a vote on who should wear it. Not only was Thor too desperate to do something right, but also that he was not capable to withstand the gamma radiation and the great cosmic power the Stones contained within them. Everyone in the lab had braced for any powerful impact the Stones might have once Bruce snapped his fingers, but upon channelling the Stones' power, it took a great deal of effort and strength to fight the cosmic power to return everyone who'd fallen back to the present. 

In the medical wing where Wanda slept, suddenly, she gasped as she shot up in the bed she laid in, completely free from her dreamland as she found herself in a room, unrestrained and cold due to the lack of fresh air that ceased to flow through. Something inside her pulsed, indicating to her that something had restored. Wanda got out of the bed and placed her hand to her racing heart and felt that it was still there as she began to wander around in search for her friends. 

Wanda left the medical wing and walked out into the open where she found that nothing had changed when the warmth of the sun was cut off. A strange shadow loomed over her where she feasted her eyes on an alien warship hovering over the river as multiple missiles shot down towards the estate. Without any time to react, Wanda conjured a shield around her which threw her around like she was in a pinball machine which would temporarily knock her out. The Trinity assembled not long after the sudden invasion where they would knowingly fight a younger Mad Titan as long as they could either kill him properly or keep him from gaining the Infinity Stones. 

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