Part Seven

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June 28th, 2016 

A rock-like fist slammed collided with a cheek as a bearded man was fatally killed by the heinous blow that knocked his body to the ground as a gigantic figure stalked their way over to the source of power they sought. It didn't take long for the villain to obtain the source, but at the cost of a life which lead to an inevitability. A thunderclap piercing and unpredictable gave a certain sense of blindness and absence left a light cold patch on the back of (Y/n)'s skull. 

The uneasiness made him feel cold and empty-minded at how it almost felt familiar. (Y/n) refused to let the essence linger and began to sneak out of his thoughts to what was occurring around him as he pushed a stroller with his son in it down a lane with barely any life populating the street as the darkness voided the town of Edinburg. 

"What is the matter, my love?" Wanda asked caringly as (Y/n)'s attention was almost brought onto her. 

(Y/n) was still trapped within his own thoughts. Wanda didn't dare breach his mind without permission knowing that it wasn't the right thing to do so. But whatever troubled him troubled her very much as to what distress drew him away from living in peace and in incognito with his family. 

"(Y/n)?" Wanda cooed, lightly poking him which finally snapped him out of his thoughts. 

"Hm? W-What was that, honey? Sorry, I, uh... I, was just thinking about s-s-stuff." (Y/n) said incoherently. "I just hope the others are doing alright. Haven't been to Asgard for a while, either. Apparently I'm due to return in a couple years upon the Allfather's wishes." 

"You do not think whatever trouble he is dealing with cannot involve you?" 

"I don't know. I've served the Allfather, Thor, Frigga, the Warriors Three, Lady Sif... Loki. For a long, long time - ever since I vanished five thousand years ago where the magical essence of the Nine Realms granted me longevity - I've been on Earth for so long, I feel like I'm no longer needed there anymore. After all, the Allfather has Thor at his disposal - though perhaps his search for the Infinity Stones would keep him occupied for a while. Who knows how long? - but I feel that I owe him for saving me. After all... he brought me to you, right?" 

Both Wanda and (Y/n) had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, staring longingly at one another as (Y/n)'s fate of being abducted into the 21st Century certainly allowed him to have the family he'd longed for with the woman whom he'd long for for many, many years. 

Wanda raised her hand up to his cheek and caressed it. "Rață, e vorba de noi. Nu ai idee cât timp am vrut să fiu cu tine, trăind fericit într-o casă cu fiul nostru... Am câştigat asta. Am aşteptat ani de zile să fiu cu tine. Te rog, nu-mi strica asta acum. Duck, this is about us. You have no idea how long I've wanted to be with you, living happily in a home with our son... We have earned this. I have waited, years to be with you. Please, do not ruin this for me now." 

"Dragă, știi că nu aș vrea să părăsească familia noastră, dar în cazul în care soarta Nouă Tărâmuri este în pericol, atunci ești în pericol prea. Nu-mi pot permite să stau deoparte și să las haosul să se răzbune în timp ce noi pur și simplu stăm și ne relaxăm. Vine ceva. O simt. Este... Ceva ce n-am mai simţit de foarte mult timp. Dear, you know I would never want to leave our family, but if the fate of the Nine Realms is in danger, then you are at risk too. I cannot allow myself to sit aside and let chaos wreak while we simply sit back and relax. Something is coming. I can feel it. It is... something I had not felt for a, a very long, long time." 

She sighed and bowed her head. (Y/n) grabbed her chin and lifted her head up so she was looking at him with tears in her eyes. 

"Promise me you won't leave me, that you won't disappear for thousands of years?" She whimpered and wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her head on his chest. 

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