Part Four

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May 27th, 2016 

Everyone weren't keen on remaining in a place where the most powerful members were fuming from a fight they just had. Wanda had instant regret for what was said during their argument with their spouse. After (Y/n) and Wanda had their first child, they got married immediately after, but swearing to adore one another seemed almost fallacious. (Y/n) just couldn't seem to let it go of what harm had been dealt. 

Instead of encouraging himself to apologise, he resented himself for being so verbally negligent towards Wanda and took his anger out on his ineradicable personal training droid designed specifically to help him for occasions such as this thanks to Tony's advancements in robotic A.I's. In the middle of the training room, (Y/n) stood five feet away from his training droid, clutching his axe tightly in his hand, anticipating to make the first move to initiate the training course he set up. 

On go, (Y/n) and the droid charged towards one another and duelled savagely on account of how (Y/n) programmed the droid to resemble his toughest foes so that he could authenticate that they indeed allowed counter-attacks to how lethal the strikes were. Close by, Pietro watched (Y/n) train vigorously as he did his damndest to prevail the droid. If it had a difficulty, it would be extra extra extreme compared to how hard Steve would fight. 

But he was busy fighting something else at the time. It troubled him at watching his brother-in-law let his anger out so physically so barbarically despite being very calm and carefree and soft-hearted almost all the time. But when it came to fighting, it would be like watching Thor as a mortal with magical capabilities, excluding the booming voice and robust body and long blonde hair. 

While everyone but Pietro, Vision, Wanda, (Y/n) and their son were all that remained within the New Avengers estate, everyone else was away pursuing one another over a wrongfully accused suspect Steve Rogers himself was backing. Wanda didn't like being under house arrest, especially since she would not be able to provide herself with what she wanted from the stores in the city nor the ability of freedom. 

Instead she to rely on some of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents in the other half of the estate to complete errands for the captive heroes while the sorceress had to find new means of providing herself entertained in her captivity. Wanda didn't catch onto her brother watching (Y/n) train until after she gave herself a bath to help soothe her nerves. By the time she found the courage to apologise to (Y/n), the courage she found instantly faded at the sight of how her spouse used a far-fetched method of relieving his stress. 

She even felt scared of him as he let out loud growls and barking noises indicating his frustration growing towards the training droid that mocked him by delivering counter-attacks and parries despite how desperate he was to land a single blow to end the session. Pietro found his sister standing idly on the floor below the balcony he was standing on and sped down to greet her. 

"He's been at it for nearly forty-five minutes now." Pietro whispered to his younger sibling. 

She glanced at him worryingly before looking back at the (h/c) man who had finally overcome the droid by applying a dirty trick that made him feel better slightly as the droid got bashed viciously so that its face was caved in, but it was still functioning, slowly repairing itself. 

"End training. Bind training droid memory to negative zero dash four two zero seven. Passcode: conduit," said (Y/n) to the droid lying on the ground, still oblivious to the twins' presence. 

"C'mon, Wanda. Now's your chance." Pietro whispered to her. 

Pietro nudged her, to which she walked over to him shyly when she found herself now standing face to face with her husband. 

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