Part Five

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May 3rd, 2015 

(Y/n) woke up in a bed with a ray of light warming his chin and neck. A hand groomed his bare chest as a sheet was pulled down to his waist. The room was exactly like the one back in the castle in Scotland, but the only thing odd about it was that there was no woman of his dreams cozied up with him butt-naked. 

"(Y/n)," the feminine voice purred. 

(Y/n) gasped as he laid his eyes on his sweet petunia and felt his heart flutter. 

"Hey, you." 

"Whatcha dreaming about? Was it about us again in Portugal? Or was it me in that red nightdress you always promised to buy me?" 

"I love you, you know that, right?" 

"I know." She responded with a bitter smile. 

"What's the matter, buttercup?" (Y/n) asked as he stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. 

The woman sighed and shook her head as she sat up. "It's about Thalke. He's as crazy as he is diabolical. He murdered my friends, my best friend, my brother, and he almost took you from me." 

"But he didn't. I'm still here, aren't I? This time, he will die. I promise you that." 

"And get yourself killed along the way?! I can't raise our daughter on my own! I need you! Don't you understand?! Just run away! Far away! If Thalke is coming to take over the country, then let's run!" 

"You don't understand! I won't rest until he's dead. He's taken too much from folk like it's the plague. We cannot live in peace with him still alive. That's why I have to be the one to finish him." 

The woman let out an excited cry and threw her arms around his neck, hugging (Y/n) tightly as she cried in the nook of his neck. 

"I wish we had more time..." She muttered. 

"As do I, my love. But time is what we are running out of unless I stop Thalke. Promise me you'll not drink away your sorrows or neglect our child."

The woman sniffled and quivered. "I promise."

It was at that moment thatcher woman (Y/n) was with jumped off the bed and clothed herself quickly before fleeing the room when a boulder was hurled into the room, distorting (Y/n)'s thoughts. 

(Y/n) screamed himself awake, only to recall that he was still in the abandoned church in Sokovia. Wherever his friends could be, the first place he fled to was the Avengers Tower in New York. The second teleportation was a success but his timing was off as the team had fled for South Africa to apprehend a rogue robot and the Twins. Upon the third teleport, (Y/n) wound up conveniently on a salvage yard on the coast of South Africa. A strange connection drew him to a particular ship and climbed inside to find the source of the connection. 

"... your, dummy holdings? Finance is so weird," said a familiar voice amusingly. "But I always say, 'keep your friends rich and your enemies rich and wait to find out which is which.' " 

"Stark..." A second man spoke dreadfully, hatred entailed with a passion. 


"Tony Stark used to say that, to me. You're one of his." 

The despisal in his voice drew an unbridled rage within the taller being who felt the uncontrollable desire to lash out at the dealer. 

"What?! I'm not, I'm not one of Stark's puppets. His hollow men... Look at me, do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm sure that's gonna be okay. I'm sorry, it's just, I don't understand! Don't compare me with Stark!" 

"Aw, junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart," said Tony as he landed on the opposite side of a bridge with Captain America and Thor behind him. 

"If I have to." 

"Nobody has to break anything," Thor said peacefully as he recalled what trouble he caused Asgard when he went to slay the Frost Giants. 

"Clearly you've never made an omelette." 

It was then that (Y/n) revealed his presence and positioned himself on the middle of the bridge. 

"Well, somebody's about to crack some eggs." (Y/n) jested and gawked over his shoulders at both parties. 

"Brother (Y/n), stand aside. Now is not the time to arouse the enemy's desire for a fight." Thor begged (Y/n). 

 "Oh, and like the time you practically dragged Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun, Sif, Loki and myself and persuade Heimdall to send us to Jotunheim to slay Frost Giants. Endanger the Nine Realms again?! Please, start another war!" 

His comment shut Thor up when Tony made a comment that emotionally triggered the Twins to view the missiles below them. The chaffing everyone was sharing with one another until Ultron drew back on topic with what he needed the vibranium for until made the first move and summoned minions of himself to attack Thor and Captain America while (Y/n) was left to decide how to proceed. (Y/n) eventually fought Ultron's clones as Tony and Ultron flew around as they fought, leaving the rest of the Avengers and the Twins to fend for themselves until (Y/n) almost physically ran into his female counterpart. Both Wanda and (Y/n) shot their arms out at each other, magic at the ready but both held their fire. 

"Wanda, don't do this, please. You still have a choice." (Y/n) pleaded with the brunette. 

"This is our choice, (Y/n). Stay out of my way or I will hurt you as well," she responded in a cautious manner instead of a threatening attitude. 

"I can't let you do this." 

(Y/n) and Wanda stood at the ready and duelled, both of whom knew that (Y/n) would win due to his training with his magical gifts, leaving Wanda at a huge disadvantage until her brother saved her before (Y/n) could overpower her so she could restrain him with metal bars. 

"W-Wanda, wait!" (Y/n) yelped. 

Just as Wanda was about to support her brother and Ultron in delaying the Avengers, she spun around, looking over her shoulder as her hair whipped over her right shoulder. 

"Just so you know, it's not personal," she puffs before vanishing into the shadows. 

(Y/n) grunted as he tugged at the bars while Wanda snuck up behind his allies and triggered their worst fears while (Y/n) simply sat by and watched his friends get put out of commission for the remainder of the fight when the (h/c) man used his powers to unbind the bars around his wrists and freed himself before rushing over to Natasha and found her in a trance-like state, just like Steve and Thor. 

"We got a problem," said Tony in a skittish voice. "Banner's been let loose on Johannesburg. Natasha, we could really use a lullaby." 

"The whole team's down. You're gonna have to take care of him yourself, Stark." Clint reported as he met up with (Y/n) and picked Natasha up bridal style. 

"What can I do?" (Y/n) asked so not to seem like he was bludging. 

"Get everyone on the jet. I'll have Banner ready in ten minutes tops." Tony answered as he grunted. 

Clint and (Y/n) nodded at each other as they both retrieved their allies and made their way to the Quinjet to await Tony's return with Bruce before going into hiding after the chaos the Hulk would carry out. Whatever harm Wanda did to (Y/n)'s friends had taken effect as he was able to undo what she'd done and let them recover as they all sat with blankets around them, recovering from the nightmares they witnessed. 

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