Part Two

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Helplessly, both women were unable to do anything to save (Y/n) in fear of provoking Thanos to kill both victims in his hands. Thanos had the upper hand yet again, but only this time one life he was going to claim and he was not going to allow that life ravish the universe and feast its planets life forces. After what pain had been brought to him accomplishing the Decimation, he sought peace and retirement.

Willow summoned flames in her hands, her teeth gritted against each other as her rage began to rise at the sight of both important people in her life clinging on to what life that could potentially be their last.

"You continue to impress me, (Y/n). Now... with fate in my grasp, I can save this grateful universe once more. I must thank you, but consider our partnership expunged." Thanos said sincerely.

"Let... her... go..." (Y/n) choked out as he tries groping his hand at the end of the gauntlet to remove it.

(Y/n) failed to summon his powers due to the constant strangulation. Had it not been for that, he would have spared himself several gasps for air he clung onto.

"(Y/n), what is he talking about?" Willow asked anxiously, fear creeping it's way up her spine where a large scar resided from having a sword slice vertically down her back from sparing (Y/n) from death. 

Easing his grip, Thanos allowed (Y/n) to speak more clearly so air could get through his windpipes as the Titan levitated the infant using the Space Stone. 

"I had to make a deal!" (Y/n) confessed as he gasped for air. "Jorge O'Donnelly. He made us unite to stop an intergalactic threat called Galactus - the planet-eater who feeds on the life force of planets. It was the only way to ensure that Galactus did not destroy this dimension too! I swear! That's why I wound up back in time to stop him in the first place!" 

"Now, you see what has become of your repugnant lover." Thanos said to Willow mockingly. "I have located the source of my darkest vision, in the form of your child. And now... I can finally rest." 

"No! Don't do it!" (Y/n) cried helplessly as he reached his arm out to his infant daughter. 

Thanos chuckled lightly. "Don't worry, mage. You'll see her again." 

"THALKE!!" Willow screamed furiously and pitched a fireball at his face which did nothing but irritate him. 

Without a second for mercy, Thanos used the combined power of the Infinity Stones to blast an Infinity Beam at the infant until the child was all but eradicated. Now, he let (Y/n) go so he, Keren and Willow could mourn the loss of their second daughter as retaliation filled their minds to obliterate Thanos in the most excruciating way possible when an unwarranted applause came from nowhere until the silhouette of Jorge O'Donnelly made his physical appearance present. 

"Well done! Well done! Bravo! I failed to realise your capability in doing what needed to be done." Jorge appraised the Mad Titan who panted a little. 

"You?!" Willow hissed in shock to see Jorge, the very same man who hassled her upon (Y/n)'s arrival to his past life but in the form of that of a mysterious alias. 

"And now, your reward." 

Two portals opened up which exposed both Thanos' farm and that of the Wakandan forest where (Y/n) chased Thanos through in the past. Both men were hesitant to pass through as the much larger portal sized to Thanos' height gave him the impression there was a fee. 

"What's the catch, you wonder? Well... consider this out of the kindness of my heart. No strings attached. I promise." Jorge spoke out as if reading their minds was something he could actually do. 

"In all my years of conquering, I found pleasure in the lives I slaughtered; necessary sacrifice for the greater good of the universe - to tip the scales of life - and yet, now you have showed me what kind of a monster you really are, O'Donnelly," said Thanos. 

Jorge creased his forehead in confusion of what Thanos was saying. 

"Do you reject my offer, sir? Because, if you refuse to pass through that portal, we will yet have another predicament on our hands." Jorge argued. 

Thanos frowned at the bald man and raised his left arm up at him, all six concentrated ingots ready to be activated. The mysterious mage let out a hearty laugh as he threw his head back so he was looking up at the sky, despite his eyes shut until he shot them open to stare coldly at the Celestial. 

"You underestimate my capabilities," said Jorge in a deep, gruff, distorted voice. "You know not whom you meddle with, Titan. You may hold the Infinity Stones in your hand, but you fail to understand the adequacy - the toll when using the Stones! - it will corrupt you; destroy you from within!" 

Without a second of hesitation, Thanos emitted a second Infinity Beam at Jorge. Unfortunately for him, Jorge saw this coming and barely put a single sweat of effort to repel the Infinity Beam. To ridicule him further, Jorge spat heinous words at his opponent until (Y/n) stood beside him and concentrated his powers to add to the strength of the Infinity Beam as (Y/n)'s power origins resided from that of the Power Stone, unlocking one hundred percent power to cause Jorge to crumble for not foreseeing his downfall. 

"NOOOOO!!!" Jorge screamed painfully as he was quickly obliterated to embers. 

With Jorge finally taken care of, both men noticed the portals still open, though they would not stay open long unless they passed through. 

"(Y/n), wait!" Willow cried and cupped his cheeks. "Must you really go? Will I ever see you again?" 

(Y/n) exhaled through his nostrils and frowned heavily, his eyes glistening as he stared at her lips then her eyes. "I don't know, rata. But know this: I will always be with you; I will always love you, and hold you forever in my heart." 

The two shared a passionate final kiss before (Y/n) bid farewell to his sister also and followed Thanos suite through the portals to recommence the endgame. 

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