Part Three

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The next day... 

Bright and early the next morning, the scarlet witch found herself buck-naked and half on top of her partner and soulmate, (Y/n). She had not expected for their relationship to spark like wildfire like it did the last evening. From forgetting to close her curtains fully, the sunshine beamed into the room, illuminating the room as Wanda laid on her side and admired the man in bed with her. (Y/n) woke also and instantly set his eyes to match that of the brunette's with the emerald eyes that stared longingly. 

"Good morning." (Y/n) chapped his lips at the brunette. 

"Morning," she yawned. 

The quilt began to slip a little as only her cleavage could be seen as Wanda had one arm supporting her head with the other on the outside of the quilt, gently caressing (Y/n)'s arm as he rolled onto his stomach, not breaking his gaze from the sorceress. 

"God, you are just magnificent." (Y/n) said admirably. 

Wanda noticed his eyes glisten in adoration for her which made her smile brightly as she looked down at his lips before kissing them as a shorter one than the dozen they shared since last night when their relationship blossomed. 

"What would you like for breakfast?" (Y/n) cooed, his hand came up to caress her bicep. 

"Waffles would be lovely." 

(Y/n) winked and inhaled deeply as he went to roll out of the bed when Wanda stopped him as he was sitting up so she could straddle his thighs and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, her bare body pressed against his as his morning woody certainly caught her by surprise as not only was it morning, but the delightful sight of his newly established girlfriend giggled in delight. 

"Dragă... lasă- pe mine... îmbracă-teDarling... let me... get dressed." (Y/n) said after every pause from their lips brushing against each other's. 

"Nici o șansă. Not a chance," Wanda giggled. 

"What, what time is it?" 

Wanda stole a quick glance at her digital clock and distinguished the red numbers as eleven minutes past nine. 

"We've plenty of time." Wanda panted and pulled (Y/n) so that she was lying on her back on the cold upper layer of her bed with (Y/n) on top of her. 

Both paused and stared deeply into each other's eyes as (Y/n) whispered, "You little minx." 

She giggled and allowed him to smother her with love as he kissed her neck, her chest, her breasts, her stomach until he reached her special place and indulged at having morning tea before his main course. 

Not an hour later, Wanda and (Y/n) were decent and exited her room to venture to the elevator to reach the kitchen floor so they could both have a proper meal for their morning. There, the Vision, Natasha and the God of Thunder and Lightning were already having their meals when the mages walked in on them, to which all were given a polite greeting. 

"What's cooking?" (Y/n) asked suavely as he made his way to the fridge to retrieve the waffles Wanda desired. "What time did you guys wake up?" 

"Early." Natasha answered simply as she sipped on some coffee. "What did you two get up to yesterday?" 

"Just... stuff." 

"Then how come you're both up so late? Normally you get up a lot earlier than you did until she came along and joined the team." 

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