Part Two

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Back on Earth, the remaining Stone was being safeguarded by one of the most resourceful nations on Earth. It would be possible for the Stone to be removed from Vision's head without the risk of him dying in the process. While Pietro was away performing black ops missions on his own - with no knowledge of what current threat had been made present to Earth - his twin sister lived in constant fear of what was coming for them. Removing the Stone would take longer than expected as time was now against them, especially when the algorithm was extensive even for one of Earth's top minds. 

A portion of Thanos' army had been sent to penetrate Wakanda's defences as a horde of savage beasts charged towards the shield dome as negotiating for the Stone to be handed over was something they were not willing to do. For the sake of keeping Vision safe, they had to agree to war, even if it meant in Wakanda's destruction. While war raged in Wakanda, the heroes who had come to Thanos' home world itched to get a piece of him but also that their fear held them back from unleashing everything they had on him as it was Tony and Stephen's plan to distract him. 

"... when we faced extinction, I offered a solution," said Thanos as he displayed what his home used to look like to the Master of the Mystic Arts. 

"Genocide." Strange answered. 

" 'But random, his passion is fair to rich and poor alike.' They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." 

Thanos closed the illusion back to the grim reality that was his home planet no longer teeming with life as his presence back to his home was to acquire the Stone brought to him. 

"Congratulations, you're a prophet," said Strange. 

"I'm a survivor." 

"Who wants to murder trillions." 

"With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers," he said, snapping his fingers on his right hand as he did so. "And they would all cease to exist. I call that mercy." 

"And then what?" 

"I finally rest. And watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills." 

Strange projected shields around both his hands and stood defensively for the fight that was about to occur. 

"I think you'll find our will equal to yours," panted Stephen. 

When Tony commenced the fight by dropping a pillar on Thanos, that angered him greatly as everyone took their turn in attacking the Mad Titan while (Y/n) simply stood by and waited for his opportunity to expose itself to him. Without his sword, he felt that his axe would barely able to give Thanos a paper cut if he faced him indirectly. Until Thanos had overcome Tony's aerial bombardment, (Y/n) sprung into action and stood directly in Thanos' line of sight, his hand clenched around the handle of his axe. 

"THALKE!!" (Y/n) boomed. 

"(Y/n) Thatch. You survived. Not this time. You won't escape me, now that I will reap the Stone from your friends. I will make you beg for mercy as I grope my hand around your throat. The last words that will come out from your mouth will be, 'kill me,' as I slaughter your wife and son." Thanos replied sadistically as he formed a grin on his face. 

(Y/n) dashed towards Thanos and leapt up at him, spinning as he did so so that he was now behind him and slammed his axe into Thanos' thigh when the Titan spun around, using the power of the Space Stone to cease (Y/n)'s movement and threw him around like a ragdoll into debris and the ground. (Y/n) channelled his powers and latched onto the gauntlet and forced Thanos to unclench his fist to release him. He and Thanos were drawn into a fight for dominance over the beam of energy being blasted at one another. 

Out of nowhere, a rogue ship flew into Thanos, disrupting his focus on eliminating (Y/n) as he found himself fighting his cyborg daughter. From there, everyone had gathered, uniting to pin Thanos so that they could remove the gauntlet. (Y/n) acted wisely by proceeding to assist in removing the gauntlet, despite Mantis sedating the Titan. Only then, did it occur to (Y/n). What would happen once they got the gauntlet off? Thanos would become very upset and kill everyone as quickly as possible as they were all close enough for him to slaughter. 

Even if someone did get their hand in the gauntlet, how could they use it? Thanos knew the Stones and how to wield them. Everyone else didn't know how to utilise its power correctly. Unless they happened to overcome Thanos, the universe would be in great danger as everyone would want each Stone for themselves. With (Y/n)'s mind elsewhere, he failed to comprehend that his allies had indeed removed the gauntlet, but there was still an enraged Thanos to deal with. Without a moment to spare, (Y/n) hacked his axe into Thanos' face and repeated to do so until the blade was firmly lodged inside Thanos' skull. 

"We did it. We killed Thanos." Peter Quill said excitedly. 

"Excuse me? (Y/n)'s the one with blood on his axe. Clearly, you can't see that he's the one covered in blood." Tony argued with the captain of the Milano. 

"Who just saved your metal ass? Me!" 

"Bullshit. Where were you when Thanos sent his army to Earth?" 

"My ass was in prison for trying to steal the Power Stone! Where were you?!" 

"Enough! Both of you!" Stephen interjected, ceasing their arguing. "What we need to do is hide the Stones. It's not safe with any of us. I propose we--" 

"Stay out of it, David Copperfield!" 

As the three began to argue, Spider-Man took ahold of the gauntlet out of temptation the Stones vibed to his young, naïve mind when Stephen opened two portals to Earth. One to Wakanda and another back to New York. The temptation of the Stones manipulated young Spider-Man's mind to hold onto the Gauntlet tightly as he plotted to gain all the Stones for himself. Without a second to waste, Spider-Man passed through the portal to Wakanda after he stole Strange's necklace and slammed his head into the ground so that the portal remained closed temporarily. 

From there, Spider-Man found himself perched on the roof of Wakanda's facility - unbeknownst to him, Vision was in the room underneath him - until a window shattered where two bodies descended into the forest below. Spider-Man focused on the Stone on Vision's forehead and realised that that was what he needed. And so, he shot webs out towards Vision, catching him and reeled him back up to the roof and stood on top of the synthezoid and pinched his fingers around the gem and pulled with all his might to remove it by force. 

Being weakened by the scythe that easily pierced through Vision's vibranium body - the exact same scythe that killed Heimdall after he spared Bruce and (Y/n) from their refugee ship - made a great deal of agony for him as the rogue Spider-Man came closer and closer to removing the Stone. He then put his foot on his face and shot a web onto the Stone and pulled with everything he had until he was able to rip it from his forehead, ultimately keeping the android alive to witness Spider-Man apply both the Time and Mind Stones to the gauntlet which was far too big for him to use, until a more suitable sized gauntlet was presented to him. 

The advanced suit Tony gifted him provided the ability to hold the Stones over each knuckle on his right hand with the Soul Stone on the back of his hand as the Stones' power coursed through his veins. Out of nowhere, (Y/n) tackled Spider-Man and fought him over the Stones when he realised how deadly physically touching them was. (Y/n) winced from the electrical shock that zapped his hand when he found another way to remove it. Using his axe, he hacked at the suit's arm so that the glove was completely severed from Spider-Man's arm except his own as (Y/n) spared his hand, and applied it to his own and slid it on his right hand and felt the Stones' power course through him before snapping his fingers before Spider-Man got the chance to stop him. 

A thunderous noise crackled around (Y/n) as everything blurred as if one had thrown a flashbang at him. (Y/n) suddenly felt relief in his right arm as no wounds or scars was displayed when he found no glove over his right hand. Shocked by this, (Y/n) shook his head all over the place, turning and spinning in search for the gauntlet. It was nowhere to be seen. What came more of a surprise was that (Y/n) found himself in a familiar environment, yet there was some familiarity concerning where he was. No, when he was... 

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