Chapter Three

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July 29th, 2015

"I thought I told you you to stay behind the keep?! Get your ass outta here, now!" One man shouted arrogantly. 

"If we don't stop Thalk now, who will?! Where's Keren when you need her?!!" A woman argued as she fought off a follower of Thalke's army. 

Steel clashed with steel, blood was spilt and the bloodlust of Thalk's army provided a lovely appeal. As the siege raged on, (Y/n) thought back on the adventures he'd spent trying to form his council of leaders willing to risk their lives to rid the world of all evil and impurity. The dark forces that had united to end their biggest threat from taking over the world were on the verge of success. 

"If I can take out that dark wizard, this'll shift the tide of the battle!" (Y/n) shouted at his two companions. 

"The berserkers! TAKE COVER!!" Someone's voice boomed. 

Out of nowhere, a colossal quadrupedal beast lunged at (Y/n)'s army. Channelling his energy, (Y/n) focused on the beast and raised it up into the sky before slamming it on the ground which broke its neck on the way down when he got jumped by the dark wizard. 

"(Y/n) Thatch... Finally... After all this time, I finally get to kill the last son of Finlay Thatch." The dark wizard spoke as he faced (Y/n) off. 

"You murdered my mother... my father... my brothers. I shall avenge them on this day. You will not live to see the day Thalke conquers this kingdom, you son of a bitch." (Y/n) spoke back, cursing the dark wizard for the grief he'd caused him. 

(Y/n) lashed out at the wizard, using his magic to counter the dark wizard's powerful magic with his sword in hand, fighting with everything he had to land a single blow. 

"ARGH!! YOU BASTARD SON OF A WHORE!!" The dark wizard cried agonizingly as (Y/n) watched the wizard lie on his side, clutching the wound (Y/n)'s sword made that significantly depleted the wizard's fighting capability. 

"Any last words?" (Y/n) asked quietly and pointed the tip of his sword at the wizard's throat. 

"I curse you, (Y/n) Finlay Thatch! I can see your future. Your fate: to never find the peace you seek, or the family you desire. You shall live in agony and ire. You will not uplift this twisted fate so long as the hawk will bate. I grant you a chance to uphold your destiny, for you to make a plea; to take upon cecity to the witch, scarlet." The dark wizard proclaimed malediction to the (h/c) warrior. 

Pulling his sword back, (Y/n) prepared to end the wizard's life when rest of Thalke's army assembled to turn the tide of the battle, dark wizard or not. 

"FALL BACK!!" (Y/n) ordered as he was about to slay the wizard until he was able to hit (Y/n) with a powerful spell that launched him through the sky that knocked him out. 

Jumping back to reality, (Y/n) found himself in a bed with no-one but a brunette with her back to him, sleeping peacefully without being disturbed in her slumber. (Y/n) slipped out of bed and snuck out of the room to make his way to the kitchen to retrieve a glass of water to calm himself down. As (Y/n) filled the glass with water, he noticed his right hand shaking for an unknown reason. 

"Rață, ce s-a întâmplat? Vino înapoi în pat. Duck, what is the matter? Come back to bed." A soft voice purred close by. 

(Y/n) gulped down the water and dried it before putting it away with his non-dominant hand and turned around to face the woman calling for him. 

"Sunt bine. Nu-ţi face griji pentru mine, scumpa mea. Du-te înapoi în pat. Vin imediat. I am alright. Don't worry about me, my sweet. Go back to bed. I'll be with you in a minute." (Y/n) responded brittly. 

The brunette tilted her head to the side and walked over to him, her arms keeping her nightgown closed despite nobody else being up at four in the morning. She stopped right in front of him and pressed herself against him, her arms wrapped around his waist as she pressed a delicate kiss on his lips. 

"Tell me. What's bothering you?" She implored. 

(Y/n) sighed. 

"Where do I begin? I, uh... I was back in Scotland. T-The war. My curse, I-I cannot comprehend the curse. I, I think I must beg to go blind? A, a sorceress has to do it." 

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" She asked, her accent no longer being exposed as her American accent came naturally after months of training to become a spy like Natasha. 

(Y/n) shrugged his shoulders. 

"You're not mad, are you?" 

The woman looked at him surprised. 

"N-No. Of course not, my duck." 

"I feel relieved. L-L-Look, Wanda, I... I know you will not purposely bring harm to me - we love each other too much to do something like that - but... if you are not willing to do this so we are together forever. I will not push." 

"Dragoste, I will do anything for you, for us. But just cannot bring myself to take your sight from you. I don't want you to lose your sight. I want to wake up every morning and hear you say how beautiful I am to you. I want you to stare into my eyes as you tell me, 'I love you'. I want you to do so much, but, there has to be another way." 

"He specifically said, 'I grant you a chance to uphold your destiny, for you to make a plea; to take upon cecity to the witch, scarlet'. As far as I'm concerned, you are the only sorceress whose alias is Scarlet Witch, who associated with the colour red, Wanda. Unless that refers to Keren, there is absolutely no way I can go back in time and make her remove my eyesight. I'm not making you do this, Wanda. I would never force you to do anything you don't want to. But I'm imploring you to find the peace I seek; the love I desire." 

"You do love me, no? If you truly love me, then you will forget the curse and begging me to take your eyesight." Wanda spoke sternly. 

"I do! I do." 

"Then drop it. I'm going back to bed. My bed." She hissed and turned around to leave. 

(Y/n) remained in the kitchen, conflicted with what course to take. To take Wanda's advice and let the curse take its hold on me or to make her take my ability to see by force. Bowing his head, he looked down at the palms of his hands and saw his right hand tremble. 

"Whatever it takes," (Y/n) thought to himself. 

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