Part Five

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May 7th, 1506

"Do you have it or not?" (Y/n) growled impatiently to his contact who claimed to have information he so desperately desired.

A woman sporting a mohawk and tattoos all over her arms and chest chugged down her fourth cup of beer smiled brightly, bearing her rotten, yellow teeth to (Y/n). "Aye. I do. But it'll cost ye more."

"That's not what we agreed."

Other folk in the pub were easy to kept distracted as all they had to do was drink three cups of beer and they'd be well on their way to getting put in jail. Others took it easily as they remained silent and drank in peace whereas (Y/n) was anywhere but peaceful with the woman he was trying to make a deal with. A deal that certainly was not in his favour, rather that he was being scammed to pay more for what he'd already bought beforehand.

"You've no clue what depths I've gone to - risking life and limb - to get this information to you. I want to know what you intend to do with this information, since you're paying such a hefty price for it. What's it all worth to you?" The woman spoke in a pressured demeanour.

"That's none of your goddamn business. All I want to know is what Angus has been up to and why the Green Guards want Morthae's head so badly." (Y/n) snarled back, pointing his index finger at her like he was warning her not to stray any further past the line.

"Them cannon fodders are all just mammals beneath some unruly king. Your kind ain't wanted no more. A new age is coming. A more modern society has been prophesied and I am going to be apart of it. The Green Guards are after Morthae in strong belief for possessing the Tesseract used by Thalke himself! Could you imagine the power King James could use with such a weapon?!"

(Y/n) resented her desire to become higher than the society of peasants she was apart of. She thought herself above everyone else; that she deserved riches and spoils. Without a second more, (Y/n) took his leave where a group of masked men and women surrounded (Y/n) as the hot sun beat down over them.

"I'll come quietly so long as youse don't rob me the second I'm in your care." (Y/n) negotiated as he raised his hands up in sign of surrender.

"Good. 'Cause where we're going ain't a place we want you seeing," said one of the masked women with abnormally wide ears.

A bag was pulled down over his head, completely covering his vision as he felt his hands get bound by rope and his axe removing its weight from the right side of his belt. Someone shoved (Y/n) to walk forward as nobody guided him to a horse that he was pulled up onto, hanging on by the back of the horse as the rider snapped the reigns and sent the horse into a gallop.

When the horse finally came to a stop, (Y/n) became aware that there was a sudden aroma in the air. (Y/n)'s body was pulled off the horse and placed on his feet and made to walk, still blind and bound, out of a humid atmosphere to one chillier as his footsteps clapped on tiles. After walking for twenty meters, a hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him to stop walking but for a moment so he could be guided to the side and planted into a chair where the rope around his hands were removed as well as the bag.

"Was that really necessary? I know where you live, right? I practically got you this place." (Y/n) asked in a dull tone to the person sitting in a comfier chair in front of him opposite a wooden table with a glass surface.

"Terribly sorry about that, lad. But I canne be too careful now. What, with the bastard king on our arses, there're spies everywhere, watching my every move. I canne do nothin' 'til the fekin' Green Guards're eatin' dirt." The person replied apologetically.

"Well, that explains why I haven't been able to find you for so long."

"What do ye need, old friend?"

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