Chapter Four

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Upon regaining consciousness, a slight deafness rang in (Y/n)'s ears as his vision was wonky when he found himself within a much larger audience. An open breeze hit him as he realised he was being dragged along, his body laid on a blanket that was being pulled by a surviving Asgardian soldier out of his uniform. (Y/n) grovelled as a little girl and her parents noticed him awake and summoned for Rannveig. 

"(Y/n)! Thank the Gods you're alright! I thought you were dead when we found you. Luckily you mumbling things in your sleep confirmed that you were alive among the others and we had a medic on scene. We saw Hogun..." Rannveig exclaimed in relief to see (Y/n) awake until her expression became sour. 

"And Volstagg? Fandral?" (Y/n) croaked. 

Silently, she failed to find anything suitable to show confirmation on their condition prior to Hela taking over Asgard. The surviving Asgardians - a good few hundred of men, women and children including the former Gatekeeper, Heimdall - had planned on using the Bifrost to flee to Midgard when Fenris, Hela's loyal Asgardian wolf, stood in their path. 

"RUN BACK!" Heimdall boomed. 

The survivors turned around to the other direction which they came and ran as the wolf pursued them when a mini-gun prevented it from mauling the survivors when they found themselves trapped between Fenris and Hela's undead army with Skurge leading. With what strength he'd maintained, (Y/n) limped towards Hela's forces and projected a magical barrier. 

"HEIMDALL! The sword!" Skurge demanded authoritatively. 

Both Hela's army and Fenris charged towards the Asgardians, giving no form of escape when (Y/n) screamed at everyone to duck. When they did, (Y/n) shot his other arm out at the wolf and conjured his psionic energy to stream at Fenris' face which caused it to skid along the Rainbow Bridge. After being weakened by Hela's brutality, (Y/n)'s was decreased greatly that all of his energy bought as much time needed until someone could intervene and provide an escape. 

While those who could not fight were lent weapons and shields, they were put to fight Hela's undead army while the Hulk - a surprise to (Y/n) that Bruce had stumbled upon Thor - fought Fenris. Until (Y/n)'s strength and concentration faltered, he was caught by two men who lowered him onto the ground as they struggled to keep him standing when suddenly someone cried out from afar.  

"YOUR SAVIOUR, IS HERE!!" A man glorified by being praised by his people sang as a ship extended a ramp for the surviving Asgardians to board to escape Hela's army. 

"Loki?" (Y/n) whispered to himself. 

As the fight went on, Thor had unlocked his powers as using Mjolnir simply balanced them to this very moment with his fight with his sister while the Asgardians boarded the vessel at the same time Thor, Loki, the last Valkyrie and some of Thor's new friends provided the protection the people needed so that all could board as quickly as possible. But it wouldn't end there. It wasn't until Thor discovered that the prophecy of Ragnarok was not to be prevented but to be caused as Hela's power dwelled within Asgard's existence, which was where he got the idea to summon Surtur, the Fire Giant, destined to destroy Asgard. 

(Y/n) remained conscious enough to witness Surtur lay waste to Asgard as Hela was obliterated but the vessel would have a long ways to travel if they were to head to Earth. Medical personnel were able to treat the wounded sorcerer by stitching his wound and granted him rest. An hour had passed upon Asgard's destruction. During this time, the Asgardians had started to get used to its new living arrangements as they anxiously awaited their arrival to Earth, whereas someone else had something in mind to prevent their arrival... 

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