Part Three

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February 16th, 1506

As if the world couldn't stop spinning, neither would (Y/n)'s head. Time travel was not what he was hoping for, even if it was to experience what Marty McFly went through in Back To The Future. Whereas this time, he might not have a way back home. Except, home seemed like where he was. A farmhouse waited for him in a meadow where a carriage stood idly outside a barn and a wagon outside the front of the house. A brown Appaloosa posed within a fence keeping it safe and with plenty of space to roam and gallop. 

(Y/n) approached the house in hopes of finding out what was going on and when exactly he was. (Y/n) ventured over to the house where he heard someone speaking audibly as he drew closer. A man in a very expensive and fashionable black clothes with chain-mail underneath as he seemed to be harassing the resident until they slammed the door in his face. He simply laughed at the message the woman practically screamed at him and turned to leave to board his wagon. 

"Ah, you. Yes. I will tell you now as I told your wife. Either you get me my money by Thursday or Morthae won't get his chance to save his wife. He needs those ingredients, Mr Thatch. And I suggest you tarry along, now and get me my money. Understand?" 

Without realising what he was doing, (Y/n) forcefully grabbed the man's jacket and pulled him closely to his face. 

"Leave my wife alone!" (Y/n) snarled with his teeth bare when he thought to himself, "My wife?"

"If you'll excuse me, I must get going." 

The man slipped out of (Y/n)'s grip and quickly boarded his wagon and snapped the reigns, spurring the horses to walk. As soon as the man had left the residence's territory, a door opened and a voice squealed in delight when a woman came running out and crashed into (Y/n) from behind and tightly squeezed him in a bear hug before she let go so he could face her.

A gasp escaped his mouth as (Y/n) stared baffled at a brunette with a long scar going over her left eyebrow diagonally, somewhat parallel with her eyebrow. "Willow...?"

The woman half-smiled and tilted her head at him. "Who were you expecting?"

"N-Nobody, I just... I'm just glad you're here."

"Are, you okay? You're acting kind of weird."

Still bewildered at witnessing his old girlfriend before him, (Y/n) shook his head a bit. "Hm? Oh yeah. Yeah. F-Fine."

The brunette giggled and took (Y/n)'s hand and led him into the house where she appeared frisky as he was taken into a bedroom that appeared to be the one that had been destroyed when Thalke began his search for the Tesseract when he burnt (Y/n)'s home to the ground. Willow threw (Y/n) on the bed and began to undress him as he did the same to her when suddenly her excitement quickly died out at the scars all over his body which were ones she didn't recognise.

"Why stop now?" (Y/n) asked teasingly as he panted a bit as the brunette had her hands planted on his chest that gave a warm sensation, staring at the scars that she lightly traced over with her fingers.

"The scars... I do not recall these." Willow said, flabbergasted at how butch and manly the scars made him look in her eyes.

"I-It's nothing to concern yourself about, love--"

"Nothing?! Do you just disregard an arrow to the shoulder and say, 'Oh, I fell off my horse,' because I think I deserve to know what my husband's been up to when I'm not around. And these are old scars. Not like your recent ones. And spare me the philosophy this time."

As she scolded him, Willow removed herself from his body that she straddled and sat on the bed, arms cross. (Y/n) knew he was in trouble as he wasn't hoping for anything to go wrong so soon in this strange reality he was in. Especially from his 'wife.' 

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