Part Six

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The Raft. A super maximum security prison designed to specifically hold super-powered criminals. That's not the way the newest prisoners saw it. They were heroes who fought tooth and claw to protect Earth, who were now being treated belligerently by those whom they'd saved from annihilation more than thrice. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by many security guards hired to watch them and look after them during their time in the super prison until something could be arranged for them to be released. 

"Welcome to your new home." A guard spoke bitterly to his new guests.

They were all given clothes to change into whereas Wanda , Pietro and (Y/n) we're pulled aside afterwards to add a power dampening collar around their necks for such use as to apply an electric shock if it detected the use of their powers as well as a straight jacket on both Wanda and (Y/n). The three were first to test the collars as the guard who controlled the collars had it set to thirty percent intensity as the three screamed and cried from the shock that caused them to fall on their knees or their sides.

"You'll pay for this." (Y/n) seethed angrily as the guard then triggered all three collars again.

"Get in your cells." The guard commanded, to which they were all given a separate cell. 

(Y/n) tried to resist but that only made things worse after he headbutted one of the female guards, breaking her nose as blood instantly shout out, staining the front of (Y/n)'s prison clothes as he smiled maniacally at the guards who took out their batons and beat (Y/n) as his friends cried out to him, as they were all thrown into their cells while (Y/n) endured his beating until he too was thrown in his own cell. 

As soon as the glass doors shut on them, five black bars rose out of the ground outside the cell to double the protection should they attempt to break out. Wanda had never felt so glum, so afraid, so bitter in her life. Clint was the only one talking to Wanda to see if she was managing, though she was too depressed to say anything as watching the guards treat her husband so horrendously made her fear how she would be treated if she gave the guards a hard time or for being uncooperative. 

"Jeez, (Y/n), was that really necessary? We're already in a bad enough situation as it is. We don't need you making things worse." Pietro scolded his brother-in-law as he attempted to glance at his sister settling into her cell. "Wanda, are you okay? Talk to me." 

"It's Hydra all over again..." The brunette muttered as she stared blankly at the wall opposite her with her bed adjacent. 

"Hydra? What, like, the monster, hydra?" Scott asked curiously as the name of the organisation wasn't known to him except the mythical beast. 

Sam shook his head and reprimanded him. "No, dumbass. Hydra is a terrorist organisation bent on world domination." 

"Well, sorry for being a common thief trying to pay child support so I can see my daughter, Cassie. But I'm not the kind of guy who goes around fighting bad guys!" 

"Says the guy who kills a dude in front of his daughter and steals some technology he's gonna borrow." 

"I was saving my daughter!" 

"And you threw a giant-ass Thomas the Tank Engine through your own damn house." 

"I can kick your ass too, buddy." 

"Oh, you serious right now? With or without our suits, I can still kick your ass!" 

"Bring it on!" 

(Y/n) groaned in irritation of their bickering and boomed, "Will you two SHUT UP?!" 

Both Sam and Scott instantly ceased their bickering before the two apologised as yelling at one another would not help their current predicament at all. For their first night on the Raft, they were visited by Tony Stark himself who sported casual clothes, a black leather jacket and an arm sling for his left arm. As he walked into the centre of the room, the inmates stared bitterly at the genius billionaire who had the decency to pay his former colleagues a visit to check up on their wellbeing and care within the super-max prison. 

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