Part Three

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December 12th, 2018

As Thanos applied the final Stone to the Gauntlet, the Titan harnessed the full power of the Infinity Stones and admired the collection of hard work when a lightning struck him. He immediately jumped up to his feet to meet his new threat and used all of the Stones' power to stop an axe flying towards him which embedded the blade in his chest

Thanos knelt on one knee, fighting strongly when Thor landed in front of the Titan and placed his left hand on Thanos' shoulder and the other on his axe as he pushed the blade deeper into Thanos' chest, causing him to scream.

"You should have gone for the head!" Thanos growled, grinning smugly as he raised his left hand up to snap his fingers.

"NOOO--" Thor bellowed as he failed to stop Thanos from winning as a white blur took over.

When everything returned to normal, the Gauntlet sizzled as it latched itself tightly on Thanos' hand. His arm significantly smaller as he analysed the gauntlet that smoked before fleeing the scene as Thor demanded to know what Thanos had done. The Titan fled, leaving everyone skeptical of what atrocity he committed that day as one by one, people began to vanish to ash, leaving all of the original Avengers remaining. With (Y/n) restored to the moment of the Decimation, he was forced to relieve the moment he lost his beloved. 

"(Y/n)..." Wanda spoke shakily, her hands latched onto (Y/n)'s arms as fear took over. 

"Wanda?" (Y/n) muttered shakily as he clung to her tightly, more tears built up as he watched her expression show fear and that in her eyes. 

"I-I can't f-f-feel... I, I don't want... to go... hold me... I don't, I-I-I don't wanna..." Wanda whimpered tearily. 

After two minutes of silence, Wanda pouted her bottom lip and whispered something to him before she to vanished to nothing. Pain, fear, emptiness, regret and mourning struck everyone who survived as (Y/n) clenched his fists where the ashes of his deceased wife. 

"I will bring you back," he whispered, swearing vengeance against the Mad Titan.

Once again, (Y/n) lost everything, but not everything. With the deed done, all he had to do was wait until Thanos exposed his true location to them. They needed Tony, and they needed the Stones. Whatever the cost. 

January 23rd, 2023

(Y/n) watched as his friends feuded over who should be the one to wield the newly formed gauntlet containing the Infinity Stones to resurrect the fallen. In the dark times where the Earth's annihilation was imminent, he had a particularly bad feeling about this. It became occasional for him to receive nightmares about him and Wanda - unable to distinguish between fantasy or vision - in imminent danger. But now, he had to focus on the present: bringing her back. 

Thor became weepy, desperate for redemption for causing his friends and himself suffering for failing to stop Thanos from completing his mission five years ago. Now that there was an opening for redemption, (Y/n) stepped forward before Bruce had a chance to lie about him being destined to control the gamma-induced Stones. Yes, he was partially correct, but only very few of the heroes gathered could actually sustain the power of the Infinity Stones. 

Everybody instantly became protective of (Y/n) by trying to reason with him as well as ridiculing him for even attempting something so exigent. Regardless, he persisted. Eventually, everyone respected his decision even though Bruce tried to scientifically prove that he was the better choice. Then, (Y/n) realised the stakes and contemplated surrendering his commitment. As much as everyone to bring the others back, (Y/n) looked long and hard at the gauntlet and relinquished it to Bruce to snap his fingers. 

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