Part One

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July 31st, 2015 

"What makes you say that?" A blonde man asked a red-skinned android sitting on the couch in his company. 

"All I'm saying is, how can someone so small get inside? I have never heard of anything so ridiculous in my life! An 'ant-man?' Come on!" Pietro argued with the android. 

"If you were in, say, (Y/n)'s position, travelling through time into the future, to the realm of Norse Gods, fight an alien army, I would strongly believe that coming across a being with subatomic particles that add or reduce mass or scale would be on a list." 

"A list of crazy shit, I get it. But hey, bird-man got his ass kicked by a man who controls ants." 

Several minutes of silence fell upon them as the two struggled to think of a topic to go on to avoid the awkward silence. It was then that Vision found a topic to converse with Pietro about. 

"What are your thoughts on Mr Thatch and Miss Maximoff's relationship? We never had the chance of discussing our thoughts with one another about them being a couple." Vision asked politely. 

Pietro looked at him surprised at the question he dropped but decided to indulge nonetheless. 

"I think they are a cute couple. They make a really nice couple. But it seems weird - when you think about it - that they are so alike, considering they both have magic powers. But personally, I think he's as good as she can do besides some schmuck she might meet at a bar or a club." 

"Thank you for your honesty." 

"No problem. What about you?" 

"It's sweet. Romantic, even - like something out of a romantic novel. You can tell they are meant for one another." 

It was at that moment that Wanda walked in on the two chatting as she entered the kitchen with plans on cooking a new dish she'd learnt, oblivious to the two sitting nearby. It was a bit peculiar to Pietro that (Y/n) was not accompanying her since of how close they were. 

"Sis, where's your boyfriend?" Pietro raised his voice from across the room to his sister. 

Wanda jumped at the voice yelling at her as she was in the middle of taking out kitchen equipment she required to cook the meal. A frustrated expression she pulled and snarled at her older brother by twelve minutes. 

"Brother! You do not have to shout! I am four meters away! I am not in another room!" Wanda yelled. 

"Hey, calm down, will you? I'm just wondering where (Y/n) is?" 

"(Y/n) is in town shopping for me. I asked him to." She answered as she started chopping vegetables.  

"Why? Is he your servant now?" 

Wanda scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous, brother." 

"That's how it seems to me." 


"Sister, what's the matter?" He asked concerningly. 

Pietro sped out of his seat to lean against the counter beside his sister without getting in her way. To him, she was stressed. Not how she'd normally behave when it came to talking about (Y/n). But whenever he was around, half the time he would make her upset or the other half, he would make her happy or be supportive. 

"Sis, tell your big brother what's the matter?" 

"We're twins, you idiot." 

"Twelve minutes older." 

Wanda sighed and continued cooking. "It's none of your business. All you need to know is that (Y/n) has been having nightmares and he, I want to live a normal life." 

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