Part Three

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August 23rd, 2015 

It was time that the others knew why the youngest members of the Avengers were acting so strangely. That night, the truth came out. And so, everyone now knew about Wanda's pregnancy. Everyone was overjoyed for her and (Y/n). With a baby on the way, it was only a matter of time before fate toyed with (Y/n) again, and again, and again. Taking care of a baby was quite the responsibility, but it wasn't something Wanda wasn't prepared for. Before she met Hydra, she and Pietro had to live on the streets with no shelter or food. 

Neither of those things they wanted to find, but the wailing cries of an infant stole Wanda's attention from exacting her revenge on the man who destroyed her home and killed her parents. A helpless baby that lived in a ditch in its rotten home with nobody to tend to the infant. Though persuading her brother wasn't easy, it was still his duty to look after his sister. Unfortunately, the baby could not keep fight as a terrible sickness claimed its life. From then on, Wanda swore vengeance on those who had done her people wrong. 

May 4th, 2016 

The fall of the Avengers was imminent and the incident in Lagos where Wanda accidentally blew up a building, killing two dozen innocent people by sparing hundred more. But the consequence of her powers haunted her since yesterday. Though she could not find comfort in her child or fiancé, all that could happen was the UN releasing a rule book they were to follow should they continue to act as heroes. 

"Honey? You alright?" (Y/n) spoke softly to the brunette sitting idly in a bathtub, staring blankly at a wall that screamed and echoed voices of innocent people dying and burning like those back in Lagos in her mind.

Wanda slowly crooked her head at the (h/c) staring at her from the door of the bathroom. The lukewarm water was set out flatly just above her breasts as the bubbles that were mixed in began to settle and became transparent. The sadness in her eyes shook her to the core as a matter (Y/n) could easily relate to. 

"I... I killed them... I, I did..." Wanda uttered incoherently. 

"No. Don't say that," (Y/n) objected. "It wasn't your fault. I mean, you didn't mean to intentionally kill them. It was just one of those situations: hundreds people die from the bomb - including you, Steve, Natasha and Sam - or you do what you can to stop the bomb but a small dozen die instead. You had no choice. You were only trying to do what was right." 

"B-But have you ever felt how I am right now? Blood... on my, h-hands..." 

(Y/n) sighed. 

"I do." 

This surprised her as though he never told her, she had never brought it up. 

"At the time I found out about my powers, my family had organised a transport out of town. The only problem was that there were soldiers looking for mages that same day. Luckily for them, they managed to find me. A mob gathered to watch my father, my mother, my big sister and I get burnt at the stake. They would've gotten away with it, had they burnt me first instead of my sister. Because, right then and there, I lost all control. The whole town suffered from my pain and it was that day that folk had enough and the best and most dangerous hunters in the fifteenth century. It was almost enough. Almost. But... as a consequence, thousands of innocent people died because of the war they started because they tries to control what they were afraid of." (Y/n) confessed, unhesitant in not leaving out any details in his story. 

"Dragă, eu..... N-am ştiut. Îmi pare rău... Darling, I... I didn't know. I'm sorry..." Wanda said sympathetically. 

(Y/n) simply stared at the brunette and smiled warmly at her as he knelt down beside the tub and grabbed ahold of Wanda's hand and caressed it. 

"It's all in the past now. Just gotta focus on the present. After all, our little bundle of joy is itching to see his mama." 

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