Part Three

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January 4th, 2024

It was quick and affordable for the Thatch family to find an apartment in New York City after the events that transpired two months ago. And now, they were to attend Tony's funeral despite the world paying their respects to the hero who saved the world. 

"How do I look?" Wanda asked as she tidied her dress. 

(Y/n) stared at his wife from toe to head and concluded that she was perfect. "Like an angel." 

Wanda grinned widely as she rolled her eyes at his comment and put on a jacket. "You are so handsome in that suit." 

(Y/n) tipped his head to the side and cringed. "Do I really though? I mean, I don't like wearing tight clothes, but-" 

"It's not tight, love. Stop complaining." 

"But I have sensitive nipples!" 

"What?" Wanda giggled. 

"Drax. Heh. He, uh, Quill says he--n-nevermind. We ready?" 

Wanda hummed and nodded as she pulled her hair behind her back before the two collected their son and made their way to Tony's home thanks to (Y/n)'s teleportation abilities. It was there that the Thatch family found themselves by a lake outside the Stark residence. Already, there were many that had gathered long before they did, most of whom were close friends of the family including Nick Fury, a young kid and Strange and Wong. 

Despite knowing Tony for a long time, (Y/n) wanted to remain with his family in attendance of having Tony's heart get placed on the lake to mark the final remembrance of Tony Stark. After waiting three quarters of an hour, everyone had finally gathered and assembled on a hill where everyone watched Pepper and Morgan make their way to the lake to send off Tony's Heart. Everyone had lost a part of themselves, knowing that Tony was truly gone. 

After years of bitterness towards Tony, Wanda truly never got to hear him say 'I'm sorry'. Nor did Tony ever get to hear Bucky say that he was sorry for killing his parents. Steve lost a comrade, Peter and Morgan lost a father, Pepper lost her husband and now, Tony could finally rest, knowing that his family was safe, while he kept Natasha some company. 

"Everybody wants a happy ending, right? Well it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping that if you play this back, it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited,I hope we get it back and something like a normal version of this world has been restored. If there was ever such a thing. God, what a world... Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent I wouldn't have been surprised. But, come on. Who knew?Those epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play, and for better or worse, that's the reality that Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in. So I thought I better record a little greeting, in case of an untimely death, on my part. Not that death at any time isn't untimely. This thing... but then again that's a hero's gig. Part of a journey is the end. What am I even doing this for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to. I love you 3000." - Tony Stark

"I'm truly going to miss him," said (Y/n) as he stood with his hands in front of him as he stared aimlessly at the lake. 

Wanda tilted her head at him, surprised at how much Tony actually meant to him as well as everyone else, despite her not being able to see him as a man and not a monster. (Y/n) took ahold of his son and held him in his arms before letting him play with Morgan so that Wanda and (Y/n) could converse by the water. 

"I just wish there was a way to let them know we won." (Y/n) muttered, almost weepily. 

"They both do." Wanda nodded as she wrapped her arm across his back and his over her shoulder. 

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